Explain the importance of raising capital when starting a new business

Explain the importance of raising capital when starting a new business

Put the Pieces Together (project #3)
You work for an online small-business resource center that provides information to people who own, or are interested in starting, businesses. Your supervisor, Regan Redynk, the resource center’s editor, wants to keep visitors coming to the website by regularly adding articles and discussions about important business trends, and she needs your help researching and writing the new content. You will start by working on a blog post that explains the popular phenomenon of crowdfunding. After this, you will work on a feature article for the website. For these assignments you will need to research using a variety of source materials, conduct interviews, and organize and produce polished written pieces for website visitors to read.
Your editor is pleased with your research plan and has given you the go-ahead to conduct the research and then create an outline for your article.
Part 1: Conduct Research
Research using the SNHU Library Business Guide resource and other research resources until you are confident you have the information needed to do the following:
• Explain the importance of raising capital when starting a new business, key considerations related to choosing a method of raising capital, and how the topic of your research fits into this larger context and is relevant in today’s business world.
• Provide a clear answer to your research question in the form of a thesis statement that is supported by scholarly research and quantitative evidence. (See the Thesis Statement resource.)
• Incorporate support for your overall argument/answer to your research question from a minimum of eight sources, which include:
o your two interviews.
o at least two scholarly sources.
o at least two sources with relevant quantitative information (data).
o additional relevant credible sources. The remaining sources do not have to be scholarly, but make sure they are credible. Refer to the Evaluating Sources resource for guidance on evaluating sources.
• Create an annotated APA-formatted reference list that includes each source you plan to use for the article (other than your two interviews, which will require only in-text citations). Each annotation will consist of a brief explanation, of approximately two to three sentences, of the content of the source and its specific relevance to your topic.

Part 2: Plan and Conduct Two Interviews (10 to 15 minutes each)
Contact each person you want to interview and schedule the interview. Also explain the purpose of the interview, your plan to record it and the need to record the person’s verbal informed consent. (See the Informed Consent Script resource.) For each interview:
• record the informed consent statement and the interviewee’s agreement, then conduct and record the interview.
• write a summary of the interview (one or two paragraphs for each), noting key pieces of information you learned and their relevance to your research question. This is also a good time to select quotations—at least two—from the interviews for your article.
• if it facilitates your research, you can conduct one of your two interviews in writing (for example, by email), rather than recording the discussion. If you do this, provide both the full written interview (including written informed consent) and a written summary as deliverables.

Part 3: Create a Feature Article Outline
Review all of the information you’ve collected, including your interviews, then draft the outline. Refer to the resource Article Outline Guidance. You are welcome to adjust the format for your own outline, but be sure that your outline is clear and focuses on essential information, including the main points you will use to introduce the topic, the answer(s) to your research question and the specific support for your answer(s) you have identified through your research.
Submit your Article Outline, Annotated Reference List, Interview Recordings and Written Interview Summaries.

• Article outline
Accepted File Types: .doc, .docx, .odt, .rtf, .txt, .pdf
• Annotated Reference List
Accepted File Types: .doc, .docx, .odt, .rtf, .txt, .pdf
• Interview Recording #1
Accepted File Types: .mp3, .wav, .wma, .m4a, .mp4, .webm, .mov, .wmv
• Interview Recording #2
Alternately, this can be a written document
Accepted File Types: .mp3, .wav, .wma, .m4a, .doc, .docx, .odt, .rtf, .txt, .pdf, .mp4, .webm, .mov, .wmv
• Written Interview Summaries
Accepted File Types: .doc, .docx, .odt, .rtf, .txt, .pdf





Answer preview explain the importance of raising capital when starting a new business

Explain the importance of raising capital when starting a new business


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