Describe how the teacher in one identified video implemented rules or procedures to create a classroom environment that maximized student learning.

Describe how the teacher in one identified video implemented rules or procedures to create a classroom environment that maximized student learning.

A. Complete the attached “Introduction to Preclinical Video Observation Form” as you watch 10 videos, all selected from the attached “ATLAS Video List.” Use only one form for all 10 videos.

Note: Search for each video by title in the “Atlas Video Observation Program” website, found in the web links section below. Do not change or delete any part of the form, and follow instructions for each section exactly as directed.

B. Reflect on four of the 10 videos watched in part A by doing the following. For each response be sure to:
• use a different video for each set of requirements in part B (i.e., parts B1, B2, B3, and B4 must all address a different video)
• include evidence from the video as support
• identify each video by title or case number
1. Describe how the teacher in one identified video implemented rules or procedures to create a classroom environment that maximized student learning.
a. Describe how the teacher in this video arranged the classroom to maximize student learning.
b. Discuss how the type of learning environment created by the teacher in this video might work for you as a teacher.
2. Describe how the teacher in a second identified video anticipates student behavior that might affect student learning in the classroom environment.
a. Explain how the teacher’s actions create a respectful environment for communication in the classroom.
3. Identify one characteristic of the classroom environment observed in a third identified video and explain how the characteristic makes the classroom environment highly effective.
4. Identify one improvement that is needed in the classroom environment in a fourth identified video, and explain why the improvement is needed.

C. Considering all 10 videos, reflect on your current teaching philosophy as it relates to classroom environment and management by providing the following. Identify each video by title or case number.
• a description of your current teaching philosophy as it relates to classroom environment and management
• a description of strategies observed in the videos that you would like to emulate, including evidence from at least one video as support
• a description of strategies observed in the videos that you would like to avoid, including evidence from at least one video as support
• a description of a classroom environment’s characteristics observed in the videos in which you would like to teach, including evidence from at least one video as support

D. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

E. Demonstrate professional communication in the conterswnt and presentation of your submission.

ATLAS Video List and Pass (6) (2)

video Observation form


Answer preview describe how the teacher in one identified video implemented rules or procedures to create a classroom environment that maximized student learning.

Describe how the teacher in one identified video implemented rules or procedures to create a classroom environment that maximized student learning.


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