Your are to develop a sport specific speed program based on the sport/athlete you select.

Your are to develop a sport specific speed program based on the sport/athlete you select.

sport specific speed program based on the sport/athlete you select.

Your are to develop a sport specific speed program based on the sport/athlete you select. You are able to select any sport you wish. The program is to be done for eight weeks (two months) with proper progression (reps, sets…) Please note that this paper must follow all rules of APA formatting (Title page, Running Head, Headers, page numbers, citations…etc.)
The assignment outline will look entirely up to you, I want you to be as creative as possible and come up with your own ideas.
Refer to ch.9, 10 and look back at other chapterswrs for ideas and examples.

Final Project Rubric (1) (1)

Answer preview your are to develop a sport specific speed program based on the sport/athlete you select.

Your are to develop a sport specific speed program based on the sport athlete you select.


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