Description of important and unique factors about the industry

Description of important and unique factors about the industry

Company financial analysis


Upload your project (formatted as a Word document using the template provided) to the project folder on Blackboard.

To create your project submission, download the project template from Blackboard, insert the required content in the template, save it as a Word file with your last name (Lastname_Project)and upload the final document to the project folder on Blackboard. Include the required components described in detail in the remaining instructions.

Required Content:

Executive Summary: Include a one-page summary of your analysis and conclusions.

Analysis overview: In one or two pages, summarize background information about the company and the industry. The background information for the company should include thefollowing:
 Description of important and unique factors about the industry
 Brief summary of the company’s history(when the company was founded ,when it went public ,and other major events)
 Descriptionoftrendsinthecompany’sstockpriceoverthelast10years(presentthisinformationusinga graph) and any other noteworthy recent (last 12 months) news. Display the company’s stock price on a graph and include an appropriate benchmark (for example, S&P500, Dow,NASDAQ).

Tiffany 10k

Project Instructions F2020(2)

Answer preview description of important and unique factors about the industry

Description of important and unique factors about the industry


3229 words