Select a community of interest in your region

Select a community of interest in your region

Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation

This assignment consists of both an interview and a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation.
Select a community of interest in your region. Perform a physical assessment of the community.
1. Perform a direct assessment of a community of interest using the “Functional Health Patterns Community Assessment Guide.”
(The Assessment Guide will be included in the attachments)
(Use Los Angeles County as the community)
2. Interview a community health and public health provider regarding that person’s role and experiences within the community.
(Registered Nurse Selicia Stafford- Public health Nurse of Los Angeles County)
Interview Guidelines
 Interviews can take place in-person, by phone, or by Skype.
 Develop interview questions to gather information about the role of the provider in the community and the health issues faced by the chosen community.
 Compile key findings from the interview, including the interview questions used, and submit these with the presentation.
I provided these questions as reference, but you are welcome to add more that will help strengthen the assignment
1. How do you define your role as a community health provider? How long have you been in this role?
2. What community population do you care for?
3. What are some of the barriers you come across while caring for patients in your community?
4. How do you deal with found barriers to ensure that patients get the best care?
5. What do you find the most frustrating as a Community health provider?
6. How do you care for people of a different culture?
7. What do you think about our health care systems, is it fair? Why or why not?
8. Please add questions using these subjects- Description of community and community boundaries: the people and the geographic, geopolitical, financial, educational level; ethnic and phenomenological features of the community, as well as types of social interactions; common goals and interests; and barriers, and challenges, including any identified social determinates of health.

PowerPoint Presentation
Create a PowerPoint presentation of 15-20 slides (slide count does not include title and references slide) describing the chosen community interest.(Los Angeles County)
Include the following in your presentation:
1. Description of community and community boundaries: the people and the geographic, geopolitical, financial, educational level; ethnic and phenomenological features of the community, as well as types of social interactions; common goals and interests; and barriers, and challenges, including any identified social determinates of health.
2. Summary of community assessment: (a) funding sources and (b) partnerships.(Los Angeles County)
3. Summary of interview with community health/public health provider.(Registered Nurse Selicia Stafford- Public health Nurse of Los Angeles County)-include Covid-19 in the interview
4. Identification of an issue that is lacking or an opportunity for health promotion.
5. A conclusion summarizing your key findings and a discussion of your impressions of the general health of the community.
• Solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines
• This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Community Assessment and Analysis Presentation Rubric

For Sources

Assessment Guide

Answer preview select a community of interest in your region

Select a community of interest in your region


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