What is 3M’s strategy to spend on human capital and what can it do to compare its metrics with competitors

What is 3M’s strategy to spend on human capital and what can it do to compare its metrics with competitors

Question: What is 3M’s strategy to spend on human capital and what can it do to compare its metrics with competitors?

I need to answer a question that I have attached a file and including the answer that have researched online. Please download the file and see. I need you help me to rewrite a paper about 2 pages or more based on those information I have found, So you don’t need a lot of time to do more research. Please use MLA format, I need you find the source for me as “Foot note” for each page. Those information are online so you can easy to get the link. I almost did all the work, now I need you help me to rewrite by your own words. which information I gave that you are not sure, you can search online and see

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Answer preview  What is 3M’s strategy to spend on human capital and what can it do to compare its metrics with competitors

What is 3M’s strategy to spend on human capital and what can it do to compare its metrics with competitors


646 words