Which property of water described in class do you feel is most important to living things, and why? Provide specific examples to support your example

Which property of water described in class do you feel is most important to living things, and why? Provide specific examples to support your example

The disease cystic fibrosis causes the buildup of salts to occur outside the cells of the tissue that
lines human lungs. The salt draws in water, creating a sticky, thick mucus that causes chronic
breathing difficulties and eventually death. Which cell organelle is most likely defective in this
case, and why? [2 pts]

2. Which property of water described in class do you feel is most important to living things, and
why? Provide specific examples to support your example. [1 pt]

3. You want to find out what type of food makes your pet betta fish the most active. You have two
food choices available—regular fish flake food, and a food made from freeze dried bloodworms.
How would you design an experiment to identify which food is best? Be sure to describe the
independent and dependent variables, the experimental group vs. the control group and any
constants you would want to hold the same across all groups. [4 pts]

4. Explain what would happen to the cells depicted in the diagrams below and why it would happen.

Answer  preview Which property of water described in class do you feel is most important to living things, and why? Provide specific examples to support your example

Which property of water described in class do you feel is most important to living things and why? Provide specific examples to


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