The project is about Nail Bar Salon.

The project is about Nail Bar Salon.

Hiring and Onboarding

The project is about Nail Bar Salon.
Our team for nail salon and their rules are:
a. Cofounders – The cofounders will be the heart of the company and have the goals outlined for the future of the business. They will keep everyone reminded of these goals to make sure they are accomplishing what they initially set out to do. The cofounders will be responsible for staff management as well as customer acquisition. They will have to continuously evaluate the staff’s workloads to ensure that they are being worked fairly. Being that they are the creator of this business, they will be able to acquire customers such as family and friends.
b. Employees – Our employees will be compensated for their work as nail technicians and spa technicians (depending on the services provided). These employees will be acquired through networking and word-of-mouth. They will be responsible for membership sign ups, customer acquisition and customer retention. They should encourage their clients to sign up for memberships, and build relationships to ensure retention of these customers. With customer acquisition, they can have previous clients follow them to their new salon, or have friends and family members come as well.
c. Consultants – Our consultant will be compensated for and responsible for evaluating and boosting employee retention and acquisition. They will evaluate the salons’ needs and assist in choosing the best employees for the position. By staying with our salon for the startup period, they will be tasked with evaluating employee retention and ensuring that they will stay with the salon in the future.
d. Interns – Our interns will be college-aged students and above that are looking for a job in the marketing or cosmetology field. They will be responsible for social media marketing and keeping a strong social media presence for our salon. They will encourage membership sign ups on our social media.

This is example from school project.

Test Project #1 – for Co-Founder and Recruiter
• Sign on 20 parent experts
• Interview 20 parents with children in 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th grades
• Identify high schools in the tri state area and corresponding potential ambassadors
• Develop a set of criteria to choose academic and/or extracurricular activities to focus on
• Develop the list of academic and extracurricular activities focus areas and prioritize
Test Project #2 – for Co-Founder and Recruiter
• Sign on next 50 parent experts
• Create and administer a survey that will be distributed broadly to hundreds of parents with children in 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th grades
• Identify next 50 high schools in the tri state area and corresponding potential ambassadors
Test Project #3 – for Intern and Content developer
• scan the internet for all competitors
• scan the internet for good content sites related to college admissions
• Develop comprehensive database on all summer programs, national competitions, and other prestigious activities related to top 10 categories of academic and extracurricular interests
Test Project #4 – for intern and Content developer
• Develop comprehensive database on all summer programs, national competitions, and other prestigious activities related to top 30 categorirswes of academic and extracurricular interests

Nail Bar Presentation

Answer preview the project is about Nail Bar Salon.

The project is about Nail Bar Salon.


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