The objective of this assignment is to give you experience in analyzing management situations and practicing your critical thinking skills.

The objective of this assignment is to give you experience in analyzing management situations and practicing your critical thinking skills.

Watch “Outsource” movie then follow the instrution

MGMT 4100 – Movie Project

The objective of this assignment is to give you experience in analyzing management situations and practicing your critical thinking skills. The written report gives you an opportunity to develop:
(1) Your ability to apply OB concepts from class and the text to a practical situation
(2) Your analytical and written communication skills
(3) Your intercultural competence
A. Content of Paper

• 1 – For this project, you will need to watch one of the movie: Outsourced. The movie will be on reserve in the library for check-out, but are often available on outlets such as Netflix, HBO, AT&T U-verse or Amazon Prime Video.

• 2 – You will need to write a summary paragraph (synopsis) of the movie plot and its main characters.

• 3 – You will need to identify 5 different scenes that demonstrate 5 separateInternational OB concepts (see list of concepts below).
a. For each one, write up a description of the scene in enough detail so that someone who has not seen the movie will know what you are talking about. This means being detailed and descriptive about the context, the people, what everyone is saying/doing. This should be at least one paragraph.

International OB Concepts you can use:
b. Ethnocentrism
c. Individualism vs. Collectivism
d. High vs. Low Power Distance
e. High vs. Low Uncertainty Avoidance
f. Assertiveness vs. Nurturing
g. Short-term vs. Long-term Orientation
h. High Context vs. Low Context
i. Monochronic vs. Polychronic time orientation
• Here, make sure to discuss both sides of the continua (i.e., for example, discuss both high power distance AND low power distance, individualism AND collectivism). You may need to discuss different scenes for the two opposites.

• 4 – Then, you will need to write at least a paragraphfor each questionexplaining:
b. WhichOB concept you believe the scene displays. Define and explain the concept (cite your sources) and explain why you feel that the scene is a good example of the OB concept (i.e., what do the people do/say/demonstrate in the scene you described that makes you conclude they are demonstrating the concept).
o Again, make sure to discuss both sides of the Continua. For example, discuss both high AND low power distance and how both of these are evident in the scene. If both concepts are not evident from the same scene, describe and refer to a second scene that better explains the other end of the continuum.

c. What you could/would do better/differently than the American and theother people in the scene to generate enhancedOB outcomes. (Be creative and specific here. “Learning about the other culture” is not sufficient. In addition, the response: “I would not do anything differently” is not allowed. There is always something you can change, but if you really cannot think of anything to change, please pick a different scene to analyze).
• Integrate here various OB concepts we discussed in class but be specific about the type, theory, style, element, stage etc. of the concepts.
• Some examples of OB concepts: High performance workplace practices (+ type), Self-efficacy, Perception Biases (+ type), Motivation (+ theory), Emotional intelligence, Emotional labor, Conflict (+ type), Leadership style/behavior (+ theory), power (+ type), Organizational Culture (+ element and/or type), Conflict management style (+ type), Influence techniques (+ type) etc. etc.

d. Whywould your approach in part c work, what is the evidence for your claims? What are the improvements/results/OB outcomes your approach will achieve?
• Make sure to integrate OB concepts discussed in class or in the book as you discuss these explanations (i.e., since this is an OB paper, it should not all be opinion. Instead, you need to build your ideas and explanations on OB research). For this, you may draw from any exercises or readings we have done as part of the class or from outside sources (however these need all to be cited and referenced).
• Some examples of OB outcomes: Job performance, Job satisfaction, Other job attitudes, organizational efficiency (+ type), creativity/innovation, morale, trust, decision making, stress etc. etc.

• You may reuse one scene once. Even though you may use a scene to analyze multiple concepts (maximum of two concepts per scene), you must discuss the scene and your analyses of each concept in separate paragraphs (i.e., write up the scene multiple times and do not discuss the different concepts together).

B. Style of Paper

• The paper should be well organized with headings and subheadings. The paper should have headings for the concepts and all the questions should be labeled with the appropriate letter. It needs to be clear which concept and which question you are discussing. Example:

International OB Concept #1 (e.g., Power Distance)
a. [Text – Explain the scene in detail………]
b. [Text – Explain + define the concept. How does the scene exemplify this concept? …….]
c. [Text – What would you do differently if you were the American expatriate and other characters in the scene? Include OB concepts……]
d. [Why would your approach work better than what was done in the movie? What would be the result?What supports your ideas? Include OB outcomes .…….]

International OB Concept #2 (e.g., High Context and Low Context)
a. [Text – Explain the scene in detail………]
b. [Text – Explain + define the concept. How does the scene exemplify this concept? …….]
c. [Text – What would you do differently if you were the American expatriate and other characters in the scene? Include OB concepts……]
d. [Why would your approach work better than what was done in the movie? What would be the result?What supports your ideas? Include OB outcomes .…….]


• The writing should be clear and intelligible. Thus, it should display proper grammar and sentence structure. I would advise you to have the paper proofread at the AEC so that it displays proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax etc.
• The paper should use appropriate business and OB terminology.
• The paper should be typed and double spaced using 1” margins and 12-point font.
• All reports handed in for grading must meet professionalism standards. The professor reserves the right to reduce grades on unprofessional assignments (e.g., inconsistent font or formatting; lack of organization, spelling, grammar mistakes etc.)
• Paper length is unimportant as long as all aspects of the project are thoroughly covered.
• The paper should have a cover page listing your name, class, school, professor and a title of your paper.

C. Other considerations:

• The assignment has to be original. Cite the work of others properly. The textbook can be one of the references and the other references must be from either academic or professional sources. You can use GALILEO to find suitable references. Dictionaries and encyclopedias (Wikipedia) are not acceptable references for college work.
• Cite your sources in your text, as well as provide a reference page documenting the sources that are used to prepare the report. Each reference must contain the author’s name, name of article or document, name of journal/magazine/book or website where the article is published and date of publication.
• Please use the APA style citation system. This website is a good resource:

D. Grading

You will be graded on the following criteria:
a. Content–110 points
• Following the project instructions
• Depth and completeness of your analysis. You need to add value above and beyond a simple summary of the movie scene.
• Demonstration of understanding of the movie and OB class concepts.
b. Style – 40 points
• Following the project instructions
• Clarity, organization, and professionalism (e.g., format, lack of typos, ease of reading) of your writing.
• Appropriate citations and references.

c. Late papers are not accepted.

Updates, changes, and corrections to this assignment may be announced in class or on D2L.

MGMT 4100 – Movie Project – Fall 2020 (1)

MGMT 4100 – Movie Project Grading Rubric – Fall 2020

Answer preview the objective of this assignment is to give you experience in analyzing management situations and practicing your critical thinking skills.

The objective of this assignment is to give you experience in analyzing management situations and practicing your critical thinking skills.


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