Which theory (rights or utilitarianism) you think should be used for the case. 

Which theory (rights or utilitarianism) you think should be used for the case.

Which theory (rights or utilitarianism) you think should be used for the case. Think the ARGUMENT conclusion should be and why, (for example “rights violated because we have the right to free movement”, etc.). You can also make suggestions for parts of the ARGUMENT OUTLINE and for the TECH FIX. Giving your opinion counts.

The link leads to the CASE: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/12/report…

xcriteria_for_case_analyses discussion_outline..

Answer preview Which theory (rights or utilitarianism) you think should be used for the case.

Which theory (rights or utilitarianism) you think should be used for the case. 


384 words