World War Ii Spy Talent Management

World War Ii Spy Talent Management

With the attached essay provided. Please revise paper and make sure that all these key points are in the essay. add info that is necessary and cite sources. Take out any info that isnt relevant to these requirements listed below. also add the reference

Strategic Staffing – 3. Edition – 2015 Jean M. Phillips & Stan M. Gully Prentice Hall for the info obtained for page 272 Read the World War II Spy Assessment Case. I will attach this page shortly.

Paper must consist of

    1. Fit – A goal of applicant assessment is to determine how well a person fits into a job, a work group, and an organization’s culture and strategy.
      • Describe job-fit, group-fit, and organization fit.
      • For each type of fit, choose an external assessment methods that would be useful in determining each type of fit. Support your choice of each method.
      • When examining fit, research has shown that if a person’s financial, career, lifestyle, and other needs fit a job, they will exhibit higher levels of performance, satisfaction, organizational commitment, and intent to stay. Think about the vocation that you wish to pursue and the job in that field that you would like to have (if you already have your dream job, you can use that one). Explain how your needs, as described above, will fit your job of choice

2. World War II Spy Assessment Case (Be sure that when you are asked to develop procedures that those procedures are detailed and well thought out.)

      • Read the World War II Spy Assessment Case of page 272 of your textbook.
      • Carefully respond to each of the following four questions listed (not those listed under the case), giving thorough, well thought out answers. (Remember to use subheadings in APA format to delineate each question. Do not number the questions!)
        • Based on the fact that this is 1940 and during World War II, list the 10 most importantcharacteristics (KSAO’s) of a spy working for the OSS.
        • Name the three most important qualities ( out of the 10 that you listed above) that an applicant for the spy position must possess and explain why each one is important to the job of World War II spy. Give well thought out explanations.
        • Develop a well thought out procedure to test applicants for each of the qualities discussed is the question above. Support you decision to use that procedure.
        • Describe the measures (metrics) that you would use to evaluate if your selection procedure was effective in choosing the correct spies.