Please utilize MLA style when citing sources. For information on citing using MLA, access the Purdue OWL MLA Formatting and Style guide. Here is an example of a well-written paper using MLA citations.
Typed/printed, double-spaced, 1″ margins. Change them in “Page Setup” on the “File” menu.
Paragraphs indented inch at left; do not separate paragraphs by extra blank lines.
Quotations of four lines or less (approximately 50 words) should be integrated into the text; longer quotations should be formatted as block quotations.
All sources must be cited. Avoid USING Wikipedia and other online study guide websites, such as Shmoop; however, if you use them, be sure to cite them appropriately. Instead, use eCore textbook materials, lecture notes, introductions, discussion postings, and any sources accessed from GALILEO for outside reference.
Your essay should have a specific title – one that suggests what is the most interesting or important about what you have to say.