Works Cited Page Self Reflection
Self-Reflection Writing
based on my answer to each question write this self reflection
Directions: Answer the questions below and write a short reflection on your Essay 1 and Essay 2 papers. Create and divide paragraphs into sections of “Backward-Looking”, “Inward-Looking”, “Outward-Looking”, and “Forward-Looking” to answer the questions. This reflection should be between 2-3 pages. Use MLA formatting for heading, double-spaced, etc.
1. Looking back at the two essays you wrote this quarter, how much did you know about the subjects before we started?
This is my first time to look in specific advertisement and make comparison of that
2. What process did you go through to produce each essay? Did you do a brainstorm? An outline? If so, did you find these steps before writing your essay helpful? Why or why not?
I did both outline and brainstorm. It’s helpful for me to write my paper
3. Have you done similar kinds of essays in the past? If so, how did you use your previous knowledge of writing in these genres? If not, what did you learn about how to compose these 2 types (compare and contrast and cause and effect) of essays?
I did the comparison paper before but not the cause and effect paper
4. In what ways have you gotten better at this kind of work?
I got better at the grammar and sentence structure like forming a complete paragraph
5. In what ways do you think you still need to improve?
I still needs to work on the transition words and theses statements
6. What problems did you encounter while you were working on these essays? How did you solve them?
I’m not really good at making the body paragraph closely related to the theses statement. I using the TEXAS style teacher told us to make a functional body paragraph
7. What resources and techniques did you use while working on these pieces? Which ones were especially helpful? Which ones would you use again?
The transitional words list and the TEXAS. I found the Texas are most function since it help use to wrote a wonderful body paragraph
9. How do you feel about your work this quarter? What parts of the writing process (brainstorm, outline, first draft, final draft) do you particularly like? What was especially satisfying to you about either the process including the brainstorm, outline, and first draft or the finished product?
I did okay I like the brainstorm I enjoy the thinking part
10. What did/do you find frustrating about it?
The MLA format like the In text citation are really hard
11. What were your goals for your essays? In other areas, what specific areas of your essays were you trying to improve (grammar, organization (TEXAS), content, MLA formatting) Did your goals change as you worked on your essays? Did you meet your goals?
Make the reader understand me. I’m trying to improve my grammar. Later on I changed my goal to the organization. I think I’m still working on both of them
12. What do your two essays reveal about you as a learner? What did you learn about yourself as you worked on these essays?
13. In what ways did your work meet the standards for the essay assignments?
I put work on it and wrote as clear as I can
14. In what ways did they not meet those standards?
Maybe for the second paper I did not clearly understood the format
15. Looking back at your first drafts of both essay 1 and essay 2, what were your most common mistakes
run-on sentences or fragments):
MLA formatting (in-text citations or Works Cited page):
16. How do you plan on improving in these areas of writing? What resources do you have from this class that you can review?
Practice more I can look back to the essay 1and 2 packet there have many information that helps
17. What’s the one thing that you would like to improve most in your writing?