Week 4 Discussion: Exploring Causes Exploring Causes

Use outside sources to briefly research a contemporary theory about the causes for one of the following mental disorders:

  • schizophrenia,
  • bi-polar disorder,
  • panic disorder,
  • major depression, or
  • borderline personality disorder. 

Be sure to use and cite authoritative sources such as professional journals with peer reviewed research, or government, medical center, or university websites.

What did you find that surprised you?  What questions were left unanswered from this brief review of research?

Reply to at least two students who researched a topic that was different from the one your selected.

Discussions require a minimum of 3 posts. The first post is your "initial response" or "Main Post" as this is your "opening or position statement". It should be about 150-250 words and should include citations/references indicating where you found your information. Then provide a minimum of TWO thoughtful and relevant replies to fellow students for each discussion question. The guideline for a reply post is about 100-150 words. These posts should be relevant, timely, well-written, and include citations.  This is your chance to "show off" what you have learned through the readings, videos, and external/scholarly sources you have found.  Posting the obvious, or comments such as “I agree with you" or "That was an interesting idea" are not given value toward your discussion grade.  

A plagiarism checking tool (Urkund) has been enabled for this submission.  Once you submit your work, you will see a similarity report detailing possible areas of concern.  Please review this report when submitting your work and make adjustments if necessary.  Your instructor will also get these reports and will review them for possible plagiarism.  Both quotes and references will appear in this report as similar to outside sources; these similarities will be disregarded.