Using Times New Roman Military Woman

Using Times New Roman Military Woman

Write a summary-response essay to Military Women in Combat:Why Making It Official Matters, by McGregor…

using the following essay as support where appropriate:

The goal of this paper is for you to be able to present a clear and effective summary of an essay and a response that states your overall agreement or disagreement, while acknowledging the merit of an opposing argument.

Follow these guidelines for organization:

Introduction:Use a brief attention getter and give any needed background.In your thesis statement, include the author, the title, and the main idea of the essay being summarized, followed by your response (overall agreement or disagreement) to it.

For example:

In The Undercover Parent, by Coben, the author argues that parents should consider using spyware to monitor their children’s internet use because a parent’s responsibility is to protect and teach their children.While I agree with his overall claim, I think he ignored some important points.

In The Undercover Parent, Coben argues that parents should use spyware to monitor their children’s internet use because a parent’s responsibility is to protect and teach their children.While he made some persuasive arguments, I disagree with him overall.

Summary:you should give a brief summary of the essay, being careful to include only the main ideas in your own words (do NOT include details and specific examples from the essay).Do not include your opinion here. This should be only one paragraph, using signal phrases throughout the summary.

Response 1:

You should select a main idea from the essay that you agree with

  • Agree with one of the author’s arguments and explain why using the TRIAC pattern of organization.
  • Disagree with one of the author’s argument and explain why using the TRIAC pattern of organization.
  • Linking it to a broader issue
  • Making a prediction
  • Calling for action

Response 2:

Select a main idea from the essay you disagree with

Your responses must include support for your views, such as include personal experience, facts, statistics, expert opinions etc.Your topic sentences should be clearly related to your thesis statement and should work together to support your claim/thesis.

Conclusion:In your conclusion, restate the main idea of the text and your reaction to it in your own words.Finish with a final, memorable thought that explains how your understanding is important by:

  • Linking it to a broader issue
  • Making a prediction
  • Calling for action

*Remember to follow the correct format and to heed the honor code

Format of Written Assignments:

all papers should be typed and double spaced, using Times New Roman 12 pt. font and Modern Language Association (MLA) citation format.One inch margins should be used all around.Each assignment should include your name, instructor’s name, the course title and section number, the assignment and the date (all single spaced) in the upper-left corner of the first page of each essay (no cover sheet is needed).Incorrect format will result in a 5 – 10% deduction from your score.


Do not forget the citation. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.