Using Font Style Times A Report On The History Of

Using Font Style Times A Report On The History Of

Specifics on Case Analysis:

  1. The paper should be computer generated, double-spaced, with correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
  2. The Term Paper will be reviewed through a check of resources, references.
  3. It must be a minimum of 5-7 pages, double spaced, using Font style Times New Roman , Calibri or Cambria , Size 12.
  4. Minimum word count: 1200 without title/heading/references
  5. In-Text citations are to be used and be properly formatted, using the APA format.
  6. Points may be deducted for failure to follow the designated format and instructions. This can include improper formatting, lack of a cover page, not using “In-text” citations, not using a reference page or not using it correctly.
  7. Spelling and grammar must be at college level writing levels. Poorly written papers with grammatical and spelling errors may result in a lower grade. Students should make every effort to “edit” their paper and run a “Spellcheck” prior to submission.
  8. Note that the review of resources and references does highlight suspected “cut and paste” efforts by comparing prior papers from a large database)

Citations and References: (Note: this is an important part of your grade. The higher you go in school, the more you should be able to write research papers with this format.)

You must include a reference page with the following – at least:

  • One (1) citation from your text,
  • Two (2) from another book, journal or professional article,
  • Two (2) from the internet. (Web articles)

Note: Wikipedia or similar generic sites are not “research” and should not be cited as original sources.

  1. That’s five (5) REQUIRED citations. They must be cited correctly and we use the APA format, not MLA format. APA is the American Psychological Association. MLA is the Modern Language Association. Social sciences use APA, which is why we’re using them. Want to read that again?
  2. Please submit files only as: DOC, DOCX, RTF or TXT not WPS, Mac or Works files.
  3. All papers are submitted through a program to identify source materials found on the internet, including papers from other students or other references. A “high” percentage reading may be interpreted to mean that the paper submitted has a high potential for using plagiarized content. This can result in either a failed score for that assignment or a reduced score.