Use of Force

  1. This assessment will require you to research the law in your state regarding the use of deadly force. Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with at least three (3) credible resources, which may include the class textbook as well as journal articles or periodicals from the Internet or from the KU Library. 

    Comprise a minimum 2-page essay, and please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format. For this assessment, the content should address the following questions presented:

    • Locate the law(s) in your state, or a state of your choice, which addresses the use of deadly force to protect:
      • yourself,
      • others (i.e family, friends, acquaintances and/or strangers),
      • property (i.e real property and/personal property)
    • Please summarize your findings in your own words (i.e. paraphrase).
    • Discuss whether these laws in the nature of an affirmative defense, or does a presumption arise if certain facts and circumstances exist?
    • Propose any changes or modifications to these laws, which you would support as a federal or state legislator.

    Upload your Assignment as a Microsoft Word document.