Times New Roman Font Writing Question

Times New Roman Font Writing Question

Locate and read 1 article on physical education and write a (single-spaced) 5-page paper (~2500 words). Your paper should provide clear evidence of your understanding of the literature and closely follow the rubric listed below.

Choose a physical education article from one the following 2 journals – Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (JOPERD) or Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators.


– Read all articles carefully!

– Double check that your paper meets each of the following specifications in the scoring rubric. – Upload a pdf copy of each article to the write-ups!!!

Scoring Objectives
(1) Depth and specificity with your writing. All writing is thoughtful and detailed with evidence that the articles were read. Writing is in-depth and data is written about and analyzed. The writing should be clear and follow a logical writing pattern with correct grammar and punctuation. Provide examples from our class when necessary to help reader understand the key arguments made in your paper. Your paper should have a balance of ideas and/or data used in the article with thoughtful analysis from yourself based upon what you have read and reflected on.

(2) Pay close attention to the formatting of your paper. Provide typed work: – Includes an explicit thesis statement (underline this statement).
– Has body paragraphs and a concluding summary paragraph.
– Upload a pdf copy of the article.

– Is at least 5-pages single-spaced. With 1-inch margins and the article’s title at the top. – Has print quality that is clear and dark with Times New Roman font size 12.
– Has S’s name and date on the top right hand side of the page.

(3) Comprehension of the article and any data found in the literature. The key in writing this paper is to cover the key points and any data found in the article and then provide your interpretation of this information. You can use the following questions to help guide your writing; however, this paper is not about merely answering these questions.

-What were the main ideas/concepts and or research findings covered? Please paraphrase the datum and reference page numbers from the article.
– What conclusions or implications were found from the article?
– How or in what way does the data/findings or conceptual writing inform or heighten your understanding of quality physical education?

– How could the information in this article be used in a lesson or physical education class?

_____ 40 points (100%) = Demonstrated exemplary work in meeting all 3 objectives
_____ 34 points (85%) = Demonstrated an adequate understanding of all 3 objectives
_____ 30 points (75%) = Demonstrated an adequate understanding of 2 or fewer of the objectives _____ 0 = Demonstrated inadequate understanding of the objectives or did not turn in the assignment

High standards of academic integrity are expected. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be dealt with according to guidelines from CSUSM.