The Machine Stops

The Machine Stops

PART 1. Before you get started, watch this video in which the story is introduced: (链接到外部网站。)



PART 2: The Discussion Posts

NOTE: The purposes of these questions are to confirm that you understand (at least generally) the reading and to help you by giving you hints about what is happening in the story. Your answers are not expected to be grammatically perfect. Just provide what you think is the best answer. You will be graded by your effort, not necessarily if you have the completely "right" answer. In fact, many of these questions are opinion based, so there wouldn’t necessarily be a 100% "right" answer.

When finished, please respond to two of your classmate’s posts. Do more than just say, "I like your post." Explain your reaction to a classmate’s post and why you feel the way you do.

For this assignment, read only part one, The Airship (link below), and respond to the following question. Minimum of 250 words total. 


Before reading, answer these pre-reading questions:

  1. How has technology made our lives easier? 
  2. How has technology also been a burden?


LINK TO STORY: (链接到外部网站。) 

Questions to answer as you read:

  1. In the first few pages, we are introduced to the world Vashti and Kuno live in. Describe what this world is like.
  2. What is the disagreement between Vashti and Kuno?
  3. What is the machine?
  4. During Vashti’s and Kuno’s conversation, the author explains that “the machine did not transmit nuances of expression. It only gave a general idea of people–an idea that was good enough for all practical purposes…The imponderable bloom, declared by a discredited philosophy to be the actual essence of intercouse, was rightly ignored by the Machine…Something ‘good enough’ had long been accepted by our race.” What do you think this is saying about the society in this story and how it sees personal relationships?
  5. Explain why you think Vashti prefers not to leave her place and visit Kuno across the world.
  6. At the end of their conversation, Vashti decides to visit Kuno. Describe her journey. 

Post-reading questions:

  1. Describe “The Machine” in your own words. And I don’t mean describe what it looks like. How does it work? What does it do? How do the characters of the story feel about it?
  2. What do you think “The Machine” could represent today?
  3. What are some themes or topics you think the story is starting to explore?