summarize article

We highly suggest writing your response in a Word document and then copy-and-pasting it. 

Students should prepare a maximum 2 paragraph response (approx. 150-200 words) with the following subheadings:

  1. SummaryWhat are the most important things that you learned from the reading?

  2. One or both of the following:

  • Analysis (preferred)Did you find a particular hypothesis/argument/result convincing – and why or why not? What further studies would you like to see?

  • Reaction: Your thoughts about the reading. For example…

    • Did anything surprise you?

    • Can you relate this research to your own experiences or other things you’ve learned?

    • How might this research be societally relevant (for example, for parents, educators, or policy-makers)? 

For more specifics on grading of discussion notes, please look at the discussion notes page under modules.