Skills Learned Across Various The Significance Of

Skills Learned Across Various The Significance Of

Please answer the following question:

1. Considering the criteria for ASD, why is it essential that practitioners in the field of ASD possess skills and knowledge to model and share communication skills, strategies, and assistive technology devices/apps?

Please respond to the students discussion. Please DO NOT mix the question with the student response.:

(eric) it is vital to provide information about the students with ASD because according to IDEA 2012, we are required to. As a practioner for ASD according to my training and contract I am obligated to share information with families, administrators, and other staff about ASD communication including the latest information about strategies and AAC’s which are researched s valid practices for ASD students and adults. We are as practitioners of ASD need to get Functional Communication Training (FCT). As ASD Specialists we need to know all about these various communication devices because communication is a deficit in which ASD students and adults face daily. We as practitioners need to understand the communication issues so the students behavior will be positive and the student will be able to communicate effectively with less frustration and more productivity in life in general. FCT intervention shows that the students are able to communicate by using the devices in which they are comfortable with. ASD students show promise and the research is proven that the training is necessary and part of the ASD Specialist training. Communication is important and we have the need to help the ASD students in any way we can. We have a responsibility and each student on our caseload is a priority and All people who may be communicative partners, including family members and peers, should be included in intervention. Having this type of training helps families and students with ASD best understand what AAC devices can be used with the student and what the family can afford. The ASD specialist will be able to determine all the devices which the family and student can use effectively. Sharing all this information and keeping up with the latest technology and research is vital to help the ASD students and all stakeholders because it is our responsibility and our duty to create an atmosphere of knowledge and caring attributes in which will flow through the program in which is ran either individually or through a school district (Mancil and Boman 2010 ).

Mancil, G. R., & Boman, M. (2010). Functional communication training in the classroom: A guide
for success. Preventing School Failure, 54 , 238–246.

(carey)Individuals with ASD are less likely to use speech as a primary means of communication. They will require special consideration when developing interventions such as AAC to help them communicate with others and reduce possible behavior issues. “Aided AAC, or high – or – low tech devices such as picture communication boards and computerized devices, is thought to be well suited for individuals with ASD because it is primarily visually based, provides concrete representations of abstract concepts, does not require advanced motor skills, and serves as a tool through which people with CNN can communicate and engage in social activities” (Ganz, 2014). It is important that a few things are taken into consideration when planning for AAC for an individual with ASD including: matching modes of AAC to client characteristics, keeping up with new modes and formats of AAC, comparing modes of AAC and the preferences of the individual with ASD, key implementation strategies, and generalization and maintenance of skills learned across various settings (Ganz, 2014). It is important that practitioners be able to model and share information with individuals who will use AAC and also their families so that they can support the person using AAC and be able to communicate with them. AAC opens up communication opportunities, independence, and opportunities for socialization when it is matched up currently with individuals who need it.

Ganz, J.B.. (2014). Aided augmentative communication for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Autism and Child Psychology Series. DOI 10. 1007/978-1-4939-0814-1_2.

Respond to Thursday and Friday bible verse:

Thursday’s verse

Discuss the significance of being a role model as an educator, with relation to the following verse.

Mark 9:36-37

He took a little child and had him stand among them. Taking him in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”

Friday’s verse

The following verse is about patience and perseverance. How does this verse relate to this week’s topics? How does it apply to being an educator?

2 Thessalonians 1:4-5

Therefore, among God’s churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring. All this is evidence that God’s judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering.