Sexual violence toward women

Sociology is the scientific study of human behavior.Professionals in the field examine the influences on society using a sociological lens to better understand current and historical behaviors. The sociologicalperspective helps professionals examine the social structures and institutions that are creating the systems that influence human behavior. Sociologicalexamination informs our understanding of diverse groups and their daily interactions.For this project, you will research a contemporary social issue and examine the issue using your sociological lens. You will use the PowerPoint template toorganize your research findings and then use the information you gathered to write a research paper on the issue you chose to focus on. The purpose of thepaper is to help you use research to examine different sides of a contemporary social issue and to use scholarly sources to write about the issue.The final project is a compilation of three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to build on your learning and ensurequality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Five. The final PowerPoint and paper will be submitted in ModuleSeven.In this assignment you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: Explain cultural beliefs and biases utilizing a sociological lens Explain the influences that shape the creation of roles within society utilizing real-world examples Draw basic connections between social inequalities and human behavior Identify the relationship between social change and contemporary social problems through the application of basic sociological conceptsPromptYou will begin by selecting your own contemporary social issue to use as the base of your project. You may use an issue from the list provided below or choose anissue of interest to you that you find in the news or media, or perhaps one you encounter in your daily life. Bullying Crime and violence Discrimination (racism, sexism, ageism, discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity) Drug and alcohol abuse Income inequality and wealth distributionYou will then create a PowerPoint presentation to break down your selected issue into supporting sociological concepts. These sociological concepts will include: Cultural beliefs and biases Social roles Social inequalities Existing social conditionsYou will also explain the relationship between the sociological concepts and the social issue, describing how the concept is present in the social issue. In paperformat, you will explain how the connections you made in the map between the sociological concepts and the social issue helped you better understand theissue. This is where you will demonstrate the importance of using a sociological view when examining social issues.You will refer to your text and scholarly resources as you work on this project. SNHUs Shapiro Library and the Pew Research Center are great starting points toassist in your research. If you are selecting your topic from the provided list, consider referencing the Supporting Resource List (located in the Reading andResources section of each module) for additional research recommendations.Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:I. Topic Selection: To begin this project, you will identify and summarize the contemporary social issue you selected, citing resources to strengthen yoursummary. Explain what is happening in the issue and provide a brief history of how the issue began.II. Mapping the Issue: Now that you have selected your social issue, you will break the issue down into the following sociological concepts: cultural beliefsand biases, social roles, social inequalities, and the existing social conditions. These concepts will serve as categories through which you will examine theissue. You will use the provided PowerPoint template (linked in Module Seven of your online course) to connect the sociological concepts and theirsmaller pieces to the social issue.A. Identify in PowerPoint the cultural beliefs and biases present in the social issue. For example, there may be prejudice or discrimination at play.B. Identify in PowerPoint the social roles played by the main individuals or groups in the social issue. For example, an individual may be a motherand/or teacher.C. Identify in PowerPoint the social inequalities present in this social issue. For example, there may be racism or sexism at play.D. Identify in PowerPoint the existing state or conditions that the social issue is challenging. For example, if your issue is that recycling is bad, theexisting condition may be that recycling is good.III. Creating Connections: Now that you have broken the social issue down into smaller pieces in the PowerPoint, you will explain the connections you madeand how these connections will help you better understand the issue, using your knowledge from the course and your research. You will describe theconnections between the sociological concepts and the social issue and demonstrate the value of using a sociological view when examining social issues.A. Cultural1. Describe the relationship between the cultural beliefs and biases identified in PowerPoint and the social issue and provide specificexamples to support your description. For example, you might describe how the relationship is positive, negative, or strained.2. Explain how the cultural beliefs and biases identified in PowerPoint help you better understand the social issue.B. Social Roles1. Describe the relationship between the social roles identified in PowerPoint and the social issue and provide specific examples to supportyour description. For example, you might describe how the relationship is positive, negative, or strained. In your response, you mightconsider what expectations are in place because of the social roles.2. Explain how the social roles identified in PowerPoint help you better understand the social issue.C. Social Inequalities1. Describe the relationship between the social inequalities identified in PowerPoint and the social issue. How are the social inequalitiespresent in the issue?2. Explain how the social inequalities identified in PowerPoint help you better understand the social issue.D. Impact of Social Change1. Describe how the social issue is challenging the existing state or conditions, providing specific examples.2. How might the social issue facilitate change for the existing state or conditions? Provide specific examples.MilestonesMilestone One: Topic SelectionIn Module Two, you will submit your Topic Selection (Section I). Your topic selection should identify the contemporary social issue that you selected, citingresources to support your summary. Be sure to explain the current state of this social issue and provide a brief historical overview of the issue. Your submissionshould be one page. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Rubric.Milestone Two: Mapping the IssueIn Module Four, you will submit Mapping the Issue (Section II). This milestone is a PowerPoint that will help you conceptualize the social issue and how it relatesto the following sociological concepts: cultural beliefs and biases, social roles, social inequalities, and existing social conditions. You will use scholarly resources tosupport your work. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.Milestone Three: Creating ConnectionsIn Module Five, you will submit Creating Connections (Section III). In this milestone, you will explain the connections that you made in your PowerPoint(Milestone Two) using your sociological lens and citing at least three resources to support your analysis. You should use a sociological view when making yourconnections, discussing cultural beliefs and bias, social roles, social inequalities and the impact of social change. Your submission should be a minimum of onepage. Also submit your concept map from Module Four. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.Final Submission: Concept Map and PaperIn Module Seven, you will submit your final PowerPoint and paper. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing each of the critical elements of the finalproduct. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course and for Milestones One through Three. This submission is graded with theFinal Project Rubric.DeliverablesMilestone Deliverable Module Due GradingOne Topic Selection (Section I) Two Graded separately; Milestone One RubricTwo Mapping the Issue (Section II) Four Graded separately; Milestone Two RubricThree Creating Connections (Section III) Five Graded separately; Milestone Three RubricFinal Submission: Concept Map and Paper Seven Graded separately; Final Project RubricFinal Project RubricGuidelines for Submission: You must submit your PowerPoint and a 3- to 4-page paper (plus a cover page and references). The PowerPoint will be submittedusing the provided template. Your paper must be a Word document. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at leastfour references cited in APA format.Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) ValueTopic Selection Meets Proficient criteria andexpertly balances brevity withnecessary detailsIdentifies and summarizes thesocial issue, citing resourcesIdentifies and summarizes thesocial issue, but does not citeresources, or summary has gapsin detail or accuracyDoes not identify andsummarize the social issue4Mapping the Issue:Cultural Beliefs andBiasesMeets Proficient criteria, andidentification demonstrateskeen insight into cultural beliefsand biasesIdentifies cultural beliefs andbiases in the social issueIdentifies cultural beliefs andbiases, but identification isinappropriateDoes not identify culturalbeliefs and biases in the socialissue7.6Mapping the Issue:Social RolesMeets Proficient criteria, andidentification demonstrateskeen insight into social rolesIdentifies social roles in thesocial issueIdentifies social roles, butidentification is inappropriateDoes not identify social roles inthe social issue7.6Mapping the Issue:Social InequalitiesMeets Proficient criteria, andidentification demonstrateskeen insight into socialinequalitiesIdentifies social inequalities inthe social issueIdentifies social inequalities, butidentification is inappropriateDoes not identify socialinequalities in the social issue7.6Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) ValueMapping the Issue:Existing ConditionsMeets Proficient criteria, andidentification demonstrateskeen insight into the existingstate or conditionsIdentifies the existing state orconditions challenged by thesocial issueIdentifies the existing state orconditions challenged by thesocial issue, but identification isinappropriateDoes not identify the existingstate or conditions challengedby the social issue7.6CreatingConnections:Cultural Beliefs andBiasesMeets Proficient criteria anddemonstrates keen insight intothe cultural beliefs and biasesDescribes the relationshipbetween the cultural beliefsand biases in the map and thesocial issue, providing specificexamples and using knowledgefrom the courseDescribes the relationshipbetween the cultural beliefsand biases in the map and thesocial issue, but description hasgaps in detail or accuracy, ordoes not use specific examplesor knowledge from the courseDoes not describe therelationship between thecultural beliefs and biases in themap and the social issue7.7CreatingConnections:Cultural Beliefs andBiases and SocialIssueMeets Proficient criteria anddemonstrates keen insight intothe connections betweencultural beliefs and biases andsocial issuesExplains how the cultural beliefsand biases identified in the maphelp better understand whatshappening in the social issue,using knowledge from thecourseExplains how the cultural beliefsand biases identified in the maphelp better understand whatshappening in the social issue,but explanation has gaps indetail or accuracy, or does notuse knowledge from the courseDoes not explain how thecultural beliefs and biasesidentified in the map helpbetter understand whatshappening in the social issue7.7CreatingConnections: SocialRolesMeets Proficient criteria anddemonstrates keen insight intothe social rolesDescribes the relationshipbetween the social roles in themap and the social issue,providing specific examples andusing knowledge from thecourseDescribes the relationshipbetween the social roles in themap and the social issue, butdescription has gaps in detail oraccuracy, or does not usespecific examples or knowledgefrom the courseDoes not describe therelationship between the socialroles in the map and the socialissue7.7CreatingConnections: SocialRoles and SocialIssueMeets Proficient criteria anddemonstrates keen insight intothe connections between socialroles and social issuesExplains how the social rolesidentified in the map helpbetter understand whatshappening in the social issue,using the knowledge from thecourseExplains how the social rolesidentified in the map helpbetter understand whatshappening in the social issue,but explanation has gaps indetail or accuracy, or does notuse knowledge from the courseDoes not explain how the socialroles identified in the map helpbetter understand whatshappening in the social issue7.7CreatingConnections: SocialInequalitiesMeets Proficient criteria anddemonstrates keen insight intothe social inequalitiesDescribes the relationshipbetween the social inequalitiesin the map and the social issue,using knowledge from thecourseDescribes the relationshipbetween the social inequalitiesin the map and the social issue,but description has gaps indetail or accuracy, or does notuse knowledge from the courseDoes not describe therelationship between the socialinequalities in the map and thesocial issue7.7Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) ValueCreatingConnections: SocialInequalities andSocial IssueMeets Proficient criteria anddemonstrates keen insight intothe connections between socialinequalities and social issuesExplains how the socialinequalities identified in themap help better understandwhat is happening in the socialissue, using knowledge from thecourseExplains how the socialinequalities identified in themap help better understandwhat is happening in the socialissue, but explanation has gapsin detail or accuracy, or doesnot use knowledge from thecourseDoes not explain how the socialinequalities identified in themap help better understandwhat is happening in the socialissue7.7CreatingConnections:Existing ConditionsMeets Proficient criteria anddemonstrates keen insight intothe relationship between socialissues and existing conditionsDescribes how the social issueis challenging the existingconditions, providing specificexamplesDescribes how the social issueis challenging the existingconditions, but description hasgaps in detail or accuracy, ordoes not provide examplesDoes not describe how thesocial issue is challenging theexisting conditions7.7CreatingConnections: SocialChangeMeets Proficient criteria anddemonstrates keen insight intothe connections between socialissues and social changeExplains how the social issuemight facilitate change for theexisting conditions, providingspecific examplesExplains how the social issuemight facilitate change for theexisting conditions, butexplanation has gaps in detail oraccuracy, or does not providespecific examplesDoes not explain how the socialissue might facilitate change forthe existing conditions7.7Articulation ofResponseSubmission is free of errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, andorganization and is presented ina professional and easy-to-readformatSubmission has no major errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organizationSubmission has major errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organizationthat negatively impactreadability and articulation ofmain ideasSubmission has critical errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organizationthat prevent understanding ofideas4T