senior emergency shelter in red deer canada

Use only the requirements that are relevant to the oral presentation

Funding Proposal
Due: Oral presentations (Value 25%) March 18th and March 25th
Due: Written proposal (one week after oral) (Value 15%) March 25th and April 1st Total Value: 40%
There are 2 parts to this project – an oral presentation to the class, as well as a written proposal. A group grade will be assigned to group members. Group time will be allocated in lab format for members to work together on their project.
1. Oral presentations will be approximately 20 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes for discussion and questions from your peers and the instructor.
2. Written project proposals are due one (1) week after the group presents. It is expected that students will use the feedback from the questions raised after their presentation to enhance or clarify the written proposal that they will submit.
Funding Proposal Assignment Expectations & Focus:
Students will work in groups of 4 or 5 to develop a social services or health program that they believe would be effective and meet a current delivery need. Please ensure that you do
not duplicate a service that currently exists in the Central Alberta area.
What will be required is to research, present, and then hand in a funding proposal that will address and outline the following areas:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9.
11. 12.
What the service/program will be (describe clearly what the service offers) Why this service/program is needed – strong rationale needed
What similar services exist, and why this service is different
Who is the service/program targeting (who are the clients?)
How long the service/program will be provided for clients
The entrance and exit criteria for the service program
The geographic delivery area and the population to receive the service, i.e., Red Deer, youth, aged 12-16, etc….
Where the service program will be located, i.e., location in the community
Whether there will be a cost for the program and what that would be, and the rationale to support charging for the service/program or not charging
How the program service will be delivered, i.e., who will be the staff, what qualifications will they have, what they will do, etc….
How much the program/service will cost to operate, i.e., an annual budget
Who the proposed partners to the program/service will be and what the nature of the partnerships will be?
Who the proposed funders to the program/service will be, and why these funders are the ones most likely to fund the program?
How the program will be monitored and evaluated
The project
in the hope
service/program idea approved by their instructor prior to commencing their work on the prop