See page 262-263: Case Analysis and Writing Exercises; Answer question #4 in complete well-developed grammatically correct paragraphs.

A high school student did the following in a short period of time: (1) Asked a teacher what she would do if he came to school wearing a bomb vest; (2) drew a picture of a stick figure wearing a bomb vest, with the word “soon” written below the stick figure, and showed the picture to other students, and (3) in reply to a Facebook post by another student, who suggested he would bring a “blow-up doll” to the prom, the student posted “fill the doll with 20 pounds of explosives.” Are these statements sufficient to constitute the crime of making bomb threats to persons or places?    See Com. v. Grenga, 2015 WL 6956766 (Mass. Sup. Ct. 2015).