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If you were in charge of diversity and inclusion at Pfizer, what steps would further improve diversity and inclusion?

If you were in charge of diversity and inclusion at Pfizer, what steps would further improve diversity and inclusion? Write a narrative essay (minimum 1500 words minimum requirement) to address […]

Identify the Biological, Psychological, and Social variables impacting the client

Identify the Biological, Psychological, and Social variables impacting the client Biopsychosocial #8 Case Vignette Xavier is a divorced 32-year-old part-time landscaper who states that his life is in a downward […]

Describe the problem that the researchers set about to study. Include a description of the environment, institution, or organization in which the study was conducted.

Describe the problem that the researchers set about to study. Include a description of the environment, institution, or organization in which the study was conducted. Learning Goal: I’m working on a […]

What is the principal diagnosis or reason for the visit that you would assign to this client? What criteria does this client meet for the diagnosis?

What is the principal diagnosis or reason for the visit that you would assign to this client? What criteria does this client meet for the diagnosis? Learning Goal: I’m working on […]

Based on scholarly resources at the graduate level, give a brief history of apartheid in South Africa.

Based on scholarly resources at the graduate level, give a brief history of apartheid in South Africa. Learning Goal: I’m working on a political science discussion question and need an explanation […]

What is blockchain technology, and how can it be used in organizations and industries to create value?

What is blockchain technology, and how can it be used in organizations and industries to create value? Please read The Deutsche Bank case study (see HBS Coursepack) and answer the […]

What makes this artwork stylistically significant? What stylistic characteristics of the High Renaissance has the artist used?

What makes this artwork stylistically significant? What stylistic characteristics of the High Renaissance has the artist used? Instructions Select a work of art from the High Renaissance by Leonardo, Raphael, […]

For one of these issues (teacher unions, women, or racial minorities’ influence on education), explain how this course has influenced your beliefs about this issue.

For one of these issues (teacher unions, women, or racial minorities’ influence on education), explain how this course has influenced your beliefs about this issue. Learning Goal: I’m working on a political science multi-part question […]

Identify and evaluate using the VRIO framework the resources that underlie McDonald’s competitive position.

Identify and evaluate using the VRIO framework the resources that underlie McDonald’s competitive position. Read: Opening Case in Chapter 4 (Trouble at McDonald’s) Respond to the following prompts: Identify and […]

After you have completed your chart, write a brief discussion of responsibilities for each role listed in the rows of your chart. 

After you have completed your chart, write a brief discussion of responsibilities for each role listed in the rows of your chart. Before you begin: review the information provided in […]

After reading this chapter and the NASW Code of Ethics (located in Start Here module), how are your own values similar or different from the values and ethics espoused by the social work profession?

After reading this chapter and the NASW Code of Ethics (located in Start Here module), how are your own values similar or different from the values and ethics espoused by […]

In 2-3 pages, discuss the article and explain blockchain’s defining characteristics, explore its potential roles within finance, and describe its benefits.

In 2-3 pages, discuss the article and explain blockchain’s defining characteristics, explore its potential roles within finance, and describe its benefits. Review the article below called “Unleashing Blockchain.” In 2-3 […]

What factors do you see that are inhibitors of innovation in your organization?

What factors do you see that are inhibitors of innovation in your organization? Learning Goal: I’m working on a business project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. […]

Create a role-playing video with you as the social worker. You will need to ask a friend, family member, or a co-worker to play the role of your client.

Create a role-playing video with you as the social worker. You will need to ask a friend, family member, or a co-worker to play the role of your client. I’m […]


RESEARCH THE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT TOOLS/SYSTEMS THAT ARE COMMONLY USED IN YOUR DISCIPLINE (BUS). As companies try to become streamlined and effective in their hiring, better at evaluating and increasing the […]

The foundation of any good rhetorical analysis is the study and articulation of the historical context in which a text was crafted.

The foundation of any good rhetorical analysis is the study and articulation of the historical context in which a text was crafted. Assignment Description from Syllabus: The foundation of any […]

What are the main differences and similarities between blogs and forums?

What are the main differences and similarities between blogs and forums? learning Goal: I’m working on a communications case study and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. […]

Develop a small communication plan for a local charitable foundation, in Houston, Texas.

Develop a small communication plan for a local charitable foundation, in Houston, Texas. Develop a small communication plan for a local charitable foundation, in Houston, Texas. Within that plan, include […]

Describe briefly the current research on the topic you have chosen. Remember your topic needs to relate to technology, our course theme.

Describe briefly the current research on the topic you have chosen. Remember your topic needs to relate to technology, our course theme. Describe briefly the current research on the topic […]

Discuss two reasons an organization would want to have a strong diversity profile among its leadership personnel.

Discuss two reasons an organization would want to have a strong diversity profile among its leadership personnel. Learning Goal: I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation and […]

Find three or more additional news articles about cyber attacks (hacking) against smart technologies and systems used by cities and municipalities.

Find three or more additional news articles about cyber attacks (hacking) against smart technologies and systems used by cities and municipalities. For this week’s discussion, you will be writing a […]

Consider the organizational structure of BSU(Bowie state university). Propose and explain a new organization structure to the current configuration. 

Consider the organizational structure of BSU(Bowie state university). Propose and explain a new organization structure to the current configuration. Consider the organizational structure of BSU(Bowie state university) Departments such as […]

For this paper, you will research potential and existing security issues affecting digital government websites.

For this paper, you will research potential and existing security issues affecting digital government websites. For this paper, you will research potential and existing security issues affecting digital government websites. […]

Discuss, from the perspective of a human service provider, what would be the most difficult parts of embracing a harm reduction approach.

Discuss, from the perspective of a human service provider, what would be the most difficult parts of embracing a harm reduction approach. Discuss, from the perspective of a human service […]

Think about nursing practice and describe one barrier that you feel prohibits nurses from engaging in EBP

Think about nursing practice and describe one barrier that you feel prohibits nurses from engaging in EBP Discussion Questions Improving patient care and outcomes is paramount to the practice of […]

Select an active bill at the state or federal level that impacts the professional practice of nursing. Discuss the major provisions of the bill.

Select an active bill at the state or federal level that impacts the professional practice of nursing. Discuss the major provisions of the bill. Select an active bill at the […]

To get the ball rolling, start by commenting on the following: what do you think about international macroeconomic policy coordination?

To get the ball rolling, start by commenting on the following: what do you think about international macroeconomic policy coordination? Please read the VOX article “International Macroeconomic Policy Coordination,” by […]

In Australia, what groups are at the highest risk of violent crime and why is this knowledge useful for criminology?

In Australia, what groups are at the highest risk of violent crime and why is this knowledge useful for criminology? Must provide a 400-word response to three questions from a […]

Explain, using the ideas of Daoism and Confucianism, how to retain balance in the universe and our world.

Explain, using the ideas of Daoism and Confucianism, how to retain balance in the universe and our world. Confucius and Daoism both addressed the imbalance of their time. This implies […]

Identify one emerging or leading technology that you believe has the most potential as a cybersecurity or cyber defense solution.

Identify one emerging or leading technology that you believe has the most potential as a cybersecurity or cyber defense solution. Learning Goal: I’m working on a cyber security discussion question and […]

The primary goal for the assignment is to demonstrate that you understand and have insight into the period of human development for each age group.

The primary goal for the assignment is to demonstrate that you understand and have insight into the period of human development for each age group. The primary goal for the […]

Your task is to research, analyze, and discuss the processes involved in helping technologies emerge

Your task is to research, analyze, and discuss the processes involved in helping technologies emerge Technology Transfer Research Paper Objective The purpose of this Technology Transfer Research Paper is to […]

What is the presenting complaint/s according to Solution Focused therapy?

What is the presenting complaint/s according to Solution Focused therapy? Please review the following video and answer the questions below https://youtu.be/LNFzmP1jJ6k What is the presenting complaint/s according to Solution Focused […]

Examine and assess the transition from volume to value-based care and consider the financial implications of the changes from this transition.

Examine and assess the transition from volume to value-based care and consider the financial implications of the changes from this transition. Learning Goal: I’m working on a finance question and need […]

What psychotic symptoms is the patient exhibiting? What strategies or methods could be utilized in this situation?

What psychotic symptoms is the patient exhibiting? What strategies or methods could be utilized in this situation? There are a wide variety of challenging practice conditions that you will encounter […]

Research how Toyota handled complaints that it received from 2008-2010 regarding runaway acceleration problems.

Research how Toyota handled complaints that it received from 2008-2010 regarding runaway acceleration problems. Assigned Readings: Chapter 13. Consumer Stakeholders: Information Issues Chapter 14. Consumer Stakeholders: Product and Service Issues […]

What type of leadership style should TSgt Cade use to address the comments stated by her staff?

What type of leadership style should TSgt Cade use to address the comments stated by her staff? What type of leadership style should TSgt Cade use to address the comments […]

Highlight the essential characteristics of government.

Highlight the essential characteristics of government. The introduction part must highlight / answer the follow points. Concept of Public Administration. (1 Mark) Highlight the essential characteristics of government. (2 Marks) […]

Conduct a strategic assessment based on the health care data presented for Longwood Community Hospital.

Conduct a strategic assessment based on the health care data presented for Longwood Community Hospital. Part One Complete problem 13 on ratio analysis on page 188 of your Financial Management of […]

General summary of the overall video. Explain what is meant by the phrase, “Your Inner Reptile”.

General summary of the overall video. Explain what is meant by the phrase, “Your Inner Reptile”. Watch the video, “Your Inner Reptile” which you can find at this link: https://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/episode-2-your-inner-reptileLinks to […]

Explain the hypodermic needle theory of media effects and contrast it with the minimal/limited effects theory

Explain the hypodermic needle theory of media effects and contrast it with the minimal/limited effects theory 1)Write short essay responses below. Make sure to answer all parts of A), B), […]

Write a research paper on anxiety among college students

Write a research paper on anxiety among college students Write a research paper on anxiety among college students RESEARCH PAPER ON COLLEGE STUDENTS SUFFERING THROUGH ANXIETY PROVIDE A GOOD THESIS […]

Your Personal Essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career

Your Personal Essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career Your Personal Essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy […]

Understanding how to identify and respond to the communicative patterns of others is necessary when one seeks to improve their interpersonal relationships.

Understanding how to identify and respond to the communicative patterns of others is necessary when one seeks to improve their interpersonal relationships. Understanding how to identify and respond to the […]

Identify the difference between a criminal act and an act of war.

Identify the difference between a criminal act and an act of war. Examine the following readings and videos. Identify the difference between a criminal act and an act of war. […]

You are the Assistant to the General Manager of South Florida Sports Holdings, Inc.

You are the Assistant to the General Manager of South Florida Sports Holdings, Inc. Assume the following facts: You are the Assistant to the General Manager of South Florida Sports […]

Write one page of recommendation letter 

Write one page of recommendation letter Write one page of recommendation letter Brief explanation of my position: The company is (University of Maryland Medical System Corporation) (Parent Company), under it […]

Research about the prevalence of diabetes in Saudi Arabia.  

Research about the prevalence of diabetes in Saudi Arabia. Research about the prevalence of diabetes in Saudi Arabia. diabetes_in_saudi_arabia norahamdi_worksheet.spring_2020 nora_s_diabetes_project_9_25_19 saudimedj_39_981 nora_s_manuscript_2020 Answer preview Research about the prevalence of […]