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In 400-600 words discuss the following topic. Do you think it is appropriate to devote specific court resources to veterans in veteran’s courts?

In 400-600 words discuss the following topic. Do you think it is appropriate to devote specific court resources to veterans in veteran’s courts? In 400-600 words discuss the following topic. […]

Compare your philosophy as it relates to your leadership style as it relates to classroom practices and student outcomes.

Compare your philosophy as it relates to your leadership style as it relates to classroom practices and student outcomes. Help with revision with a Turnitin below 10% Directions Write a […]

Macroeconomics:Machines vs. Human labor, and its effect on the US

Macroeconomics:Machines vs. Human labor, and its effect on the US Macroeconomics :Machines vs. Human labor, and its effect on the US. Please use the reading material attached ONLY. Read the […]

Are there any legal restrictions on Betty being a member of the bargaining unit? Explain.

Are there any legal restrictions on Betty being a member of the bargaining unit? Explain. Betty Suarez is the administrative assistant for the manager at Mode, Inc., a small fashion […]

Find an article about Macy’s company global issues. After reading the article, prepare an article review, which must include 3 main points from the article.

Find an article about Macy’s company global issues. After reading the article, prepare an article review, which must include 3 main points from the article. Find an article about Macy’s company […]

Hello i need assistance with homework assignment. The assignment consist of creating a career strategic plan.

Hello i need assistance with homework assignment. The assignment consist of creating a career strategic plan. Hello i need assistance with homework assignment. The assignment consist of creating a career […]

Please write a 4-5 paragraph essay (APA style – single spaced) on the chapter. Describe the author’s research in detail

Please write a 4-5 paragraph essay (APA style – single spaced) on the chapter. Describe the author’s research in detail Please write a 4-5 paragraph essay (APA style – single […]

In the case there are some major problems. You don’t need to point out those problems again because another group member will write that part. Just write the causes of those problems.

In the case there are some major problems. You don’t need to point out those problems again because another group member will write that part. Just write the causes of […]

What recommendations do you have to stop such a fraud relating to this conflict of interest?

What recommendations do you have to stop such a fraud relating to this conflict of interest? Research fraud cases that involved agency conflicts. Provide the following: Overview of the organization […]

For the final Portfolio Project, you are asked to locate critics on Achebe’s novel and to incorporate those critical voices in your final paper.

For the final Portfolio Project, you are asked to locate critics on Achebe’s novel and to incorporate those critical voices in your final paper. Please help put this in a […]

Identify your possible courses of action. For each of these courses, identify any constraints relating to the decision

Identify your possible courses of action. For each of these courses, identify any constraints relating to the decision Assignment Choice #1: Ethical Dilemma Reference Case Study 10-51 in the textbook. […]

How do Burke and Marx criticize the notion of rights as expressed in the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen? Are there any similarities in the critiques?

How do Burke and Marx criticize the notion of rights as expressed in the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen? Are there any similarities in the critiques? How […]

Do a one-pager on the World Economic Forum which is taking place this week. Read some news on it. What happened there? Anything significant?

Do a one-pager on the World Economic Forum which is taking place this week. Read some news on it. What happened there? Anything significant? Do a one-pager on the World […]

I want someone who already saw this film ( A Star is Born ) to help me to write a short paragraph for his reaction to this Film.

I want someone who already saw this film ( A Star is Born ) to help me to write a short paragraph for his reaction to this Film. I want […]

As you learned more and more about the complexity of the HRM role, what do you view as the most challenging aspect of HRM in the international context?

As you learned more and more about the complexity of the HRM role, what do you view as the most challenging aspect of HRM in the international context? As you […]

Which slide interested you the most and why?

Which slide interested you the most and why? View this week’s slides (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OawfxxSddrW-Wiqtogu27JxZB4IZEt0Yk3Tq6pImFyg/edit#slide=id.p3 )Links to an external site. and answer the following questions. 1) Which slide interested you the most and […]

write about Your reaction to the film. with one short paragraph

write about Your reaction to the film. with one short paragraph write about Your reaction to the film. with one short paragraph https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h2s1elEYMQ&feature=youtu.be Answer preview write about Your reaction to […]

Consider how the world of business interacts with the legal realm. What skills does a non-legal person need as an employee?

Consider how the world of business interacts with the legal realm. What skills does a non-legal person need as an employee? Business Law in the Workplace Consider how the world […]

Discuss at least 3 different concepts presented in the articles. As an IT professional, how would you apply the three (3) concepts you identified.

Discuss at least 3 different concepts presented in the articles. As an IT professional, how would you apply the three (3) concepts you identified. Read at least three (3) academically […]

In your textbook, review the following chapters: The Judicial System, Managing Disputes: Alternative Dispute Resolution and Litigation Strategies..

In your textbook, review the following chapters: The Judicial System, Managing Disputes: Alternative Dispute Resolution and Litigation Strategies.. In your textbook, review the following chapters: Chapter 3: The Judicial System […]

In this assignment, you will discuss the three major cases that affected the due process of juveniles and further served to balance the juvenile justice system.

In this assignment, you will discuss the three major cases that affected the due process of juveniles and further served to balance the juvenile justice system. In this assignment, you […]

I am needing someone to write a 5 sentence opening or closing for the body of the speech Making a Difference Through the Special Olympics.

I am needing someone to write a 5 sentence opening or closing for the body of the speech Making a Difference Through the Special Olympics. I am needing someone to write […]

As a senior business student, I have come across this marshmallow exercise in various classes. However, my initial reaction to this exercise was similar to most people.

As a senior business student, I have come across this marshmallow exercise in various classes. However, my initial reaction to this exercise was similar to most people. As a senior […]

What is your reaction to how business school students perform in this exercise? According to Wujec, what skills lead to success?

What is your reaction to how business school students perform in this exercise? According to Wujec, what skills lead to success? Answer some questions based on a video: Link- https://www.ted.com/talks/tom_wujec_build_a_tower What […]

I need you to write about (ted talk) advertising any topic and try to make it basic

I need you to write about (ted talk) advertising any topic and try to make it basic I need you to write about (ted talk) advertising any topic and try […]

District of Columbia v. Heller, 2008. Citizens have a right to possess firearms at home for self-defense. Talk about that case

District of Columbia v. Heller, 2008. Citizens have a right to possess firearms at home for self-defense. Talk about that case District of Columbia v. Heller, 2008 (5-4 decision) Citizens […]

What white-collar crimes, if any, did Victor and John commit? Explain each individual’s crime separately.

What white-collar crimes, if any, did Victor and John commit? Explain each individual’s crime separately. Victor and John work as software installers and program developers in the computer division of […]

Discuss either two (2) civil liberties or two (2) civil rights events. One event must be from within the last two years, and the other may be from the past.

Discuss either two (2) civil liberties or two (2) civil rights events. One event must be from within the last two years, and the other may be from the past. […]

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to learn more about how connected you are to the ecosystems and biosphere that you inhabit.

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to learn more about how connected you are to the ecosystems and biosphere that you inhabit. Environmental Footprint […]

How will you select pieces from your working portfolio to include in your professional portfolio? Who is the audience for this portfolio?

How will you select pieces from your working portfolio to include in your professional portfolio? Who is the audience for this portfolio? Portfolios may take on different forms and contents, […]

Research at least two articles on the topic of Information systems infrastructure: evolution and trends. Write a brief synthesis and summary of the two articles

Research at least two articles on the topic of Information systems infrastructure: evolution and trends. Write a brief synthesis and summary of the two articles Research at least two articles […]

Analyze whether the manufacturer would be liable for negligence if the product had not been recalled and had caused harm to a consumer.

Analyze whether the manufacturer would be liable for negligence if the product had not been recalled and had caused harm to a consumer. Visit the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (Links […]

To relate how history is sometimes like the visual spectrum: we can only see so much, and a lot is un-observable.

To relate how history is sometimes like the visual spectrum: we can only see so much, and a lot is un-observable. Watch the video I originally assigned for class on […]

For this topic on evolution, I decided to choose spiders. Spiders have apparently been around at least about 300 million to 400 million years.

For this topic on evolution, I decided to choose spiders. Spiders have apparently been around at least about 300 million to 400 million years. For this topic on evolution, I […]

How does Berger define perspective in the age of classical paintings and how does he believe it shifted after the invention of camera?

How does Berger define perspective in the age of classical paintings and how does he believe it shifted after the invention of camera? Please write a post engaging with some […]

After reading Mapp v. Ohio (1961) [Book 2], explain the following: (a) what constitutional amendment is being discussed in the case, and what right (s) does it cover?

After reading Mapp v. Ohio (1961) [Book 2], explain the following: (a) what constitutional amendment is being discussed in the case, and what right (s) does it cover? In 200 […]

How will you approach the topics of drugs and alcohol with your adolescent patients and their parents?

How will you approach the topics of drugs and alcohol with your adolescent patients and their parents? How will you approach the topics of drugs and alcohol with your adolescent […]

One common point of debate in law is whether laws should be changed based upon the times or circumstances. It has been a consideration since the Founding Fathers created the Constitution.

One common point of debate in law is whether laws should be changed based upon the times or circumstances. It has been a consideration since the Founding Fathers created the […]

She alleged that the lottery prize was a marital asset because her husband had won it before their divorce was final. Is the $2.4 million lottery prize a marital asset?

She alleged that the lottery prize was a marital asset because her husband had won it before their divorce was final. Is the $2.4 million lottery prize a marital asset? […]

What is meant by an organized hate crime group? How much of a problem do they pose for US society?

What is meant by an organized hate crime group? How much of a problem do they pose for US society? HATE CRIME: Class 6 part 1. Attached you will find […]

What type of change does Red Carpet need? Should it be transformational, developmental or transitional and why?

What type of change does Red Carpet need? Should it be transformational, developmental or transitional and why? 750-1000 words Respond to the scenario below with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be […]

Identify and describe 3 examples of external forces affecting Red Carpet. Identify and describe 3 examples of internal forces affecting Red Carpet

Identify and describe 3 examples of external forces affecting Red Carpet. Identify and describe 3 examples of internal forces affecting Red Carpet Primary Task Response:write 200–300 words that respond to […]

What strategies did the United States government believe would best protect the country’s values and national security?

What strategies did the United States government believe would best protect the country’s values and national security? Carefully read and analyze the following documents: NSC-68 which was disseminated in April 1950 by […]

Explain the environmental factors presented in the Case Study, as well as others that may be present but not specifically identified in the Case Study that might affect Sam’s development.

Explain the environmental factors presented in the Case Study, as well as others that may be present but not specifically identified in the Case Study that might affect Sam’s development. […]

What steps should Samantha take next? What are the implications of these legal issues regarding the choices she must make?

What steps should Samantha take next? What are the implications of these legal issues regarding the choices she must make? Use the Internet and the library to investigate the legal […]

Is there a breach of contract? If so, what remedies may Tommy get?

Is there a breach of contract? If so, what remedies may Tommy get? The Open Offer Jimmy, an art dealer and merchant, is running out of funds. Luckily, he owns […]

Specifically, the essays should describe a situation of event in the movie, identify how it occurred or was handled. Was that situation handled correctly?

Specifically, the essays should describe a situation of event in the movie, identify how it occurred or was handled. Was that situation handled correctly? Description: We will watch a movie in […]

Those amendments were rejected by the House representatives on the conference committee so the overall bill failed. How did your representative vote on HB 21?

Those amendments were rejected by the House representatives on the conference committee so the overall bill failed. How did your representative vote on HB 21? The 2017 regular session and […]