Russian Diplomacy

Forthis assignment, write a 1,500-word paper that recommends a U.S. policyapproach regarding how the United States should engage the Russian Federationfollowing the collapse of the Soviet Union. The time frame is 1991-1999. Do nottry to cover too much. You can address a particular topic, such as: whether theU.S. should push for Russia’s membership in NATO or whether the U.S. shouldprovide an assistance program to Russia similar to the Marshall Plan.

Write your paper from the perspective of the role assigned (Assistant Secretary of Defense forInternational Security Affairs.).

Pleaseinclude the following elements in the paper:

1. Subject(1 sentence)

2. ProblemStatement (2-3 sentences)

3. Background/ Issues (2 pages)

4. PolicyRecommendation(s) (4 pages)

InSection 4, “Policy Recommendation(s),” please be sure to address any risk(s)associated with your recommended approach.

Papershould be typed and double-spaced using Time New Roman or Arial font in12-point. Any outside sources need to be cited and can be listed as a footnote.Please use page numbers. Do not use a cover page.



AssistantSecretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Job Description

Mission:The Assistant Secretary of Defense for InternationalSecurity Affairs is the principal advisor to the Under Secretary of Defense forPolicy (USD(P)) and the Secretary of Defense on international security strategyand policy on issues of DoD interest that relate to the nations andinternational organizations of Europe (including the North Atlantic TreatyOrganization), the Middle East, and Africa, their governments and defenseestablishments; and for oversight of security cooperation programs and foreignmilitary sales programs in these regions.

Responsibilitiesand Functions

The Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs is theprincipal advisor to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and the Secretaryof Defense on international security strategy and policy on issues of DoDinterest that relate to the nations and international organizations of Europe(including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization), the Middle East, andAfrica, their governments and defense establishments; and for oversight ofsecurity cooperation programs and foreign military sales programs in theseregions.

Inthis capacity, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International SecurityAffairs shall:

  • Conduct and manage day-to-day, multilateral, regional, and bilateral defense relations with all foreign governments in assigned areas of responsibility.
  • Develop regional security and defense strategy and policy, provide advice, and issue guidance to translate global and functional policies into regional-specific country strategies, and oversee their implementation in coordination with cognizant DoD officials.
  • For countries in assigned areas of responsibility, develop, coordinate, and oversee the implementation of:
    • Defense security policy and management of defense and military relations
    • Policy, plans, and activities, as well as uses of DoD resources engaged in encouraging the development of military capabilities, constitutional democracy and respect for human rights, including civilian control of the military, institutionalizing an appropriate role for the military in a constitutional democracy, and encouraging the development of standards of military professionalism that promote respect for elected civilian authorities and human rights.
    • DoD policy and recommendations concerning security cooperation programs and organizations, foreign military sales, military education and training, and other missions pertaining to security cooperation program relationships.
  • Develop, coordinate, and oversee the implementation of policy related to NATO, Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, the Partnership for Peace, and other institutions with a security dimension including the European Union, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and the African Union.
  • Provide policy guidance and oversight to the Defense Advisor, U.S. Mission to NATO, and Representative of the Secretary of Defense Representative to the OSCE on behalf of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. Promote coordination, cooperation, and joint planning on nuclear policy and strategy with NATO Allies, in coordination with the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict and Interdependent Capabilities.
  • Support the NATO Nuclear Planning Group and its subordinate body, the High Level Group and chair the High Level Group.
  • Represent the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and the Secretary of Defense in interagency policy deliberations and international negotiations dealing with assigned areas of responsibility.
  • Monitor and provide policy recommendations related to the conduct of U.S. military operations in the countries or regions of focus or on the participation of such countries in operations outside of the region.
  • Perform such other functions as the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy or the Secretary of Defense may prescribe.

TheAssistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs supervisesthe:

  • Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for African Affairs
  • Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe and NATO
  • Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East
  • Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, & Eurasia
  • Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere
  • Secretary of Defense Representative in the U.S. Mission to NATO
  • Secretary of Defense Representative to the OSCE