Respondthe Discussion Topic Bus 517 Strayer Unive

Respondthe Discussion Topic Bus 517 Strayer Unive

  • In order to deliver the project ahead of schedule, you have been granted permission to add more resources to your team. Your project sponsor has worked out a deal to add an outside firm (partner) to your project team. They have very little understanding of your project, and you don’t have a lot of time to educate them on the project’s specifics. Describe how you plan to incorporate them as members of your project, as well as how to get them up to speed on your project.
  • After posting your response, respond to at least one of your classmates on their suggestions.

Here is the post that you have to respond

The discussion topic this week is a difficult one. It boils down to trust towards the project manager. These members have little experience and knowledge of the path for the project, it is up to the idea of trusting the scope and vision of the PM that allows them to move forward. So initially I would open a dialogue with all the team members and let them know I am available for any questions or concerns they may have. Show these new members the goal and an overview of the plan and current schedule and then assign them their tasks. These tasks boil down to trust, give them a breakdown of their tasks in the project and allow them to trust the process. Depending on what the project goal is, give them examples of their tasks as well to show as guidelines. Taking this one step further, the veteran members of the projects will be given proper expectations to guide and lead the new members throughout the project as needed, as their experience will show invaluable. If a veteran project member can show a newbie how to perform the task, it gives more time to the PM to take care of more important measures. I would portray this increase of responsibility for veteran members as opportunities for experience in leading and show the benefits for future projects of being able to speak to these times to show their importance.