Please fill out the attached files!
Creating the PRISMA diagram is "an exercise" to demonstrate the search process (narrowing the hits from high to low). This does not need to be perfect, rather it is used to provide an indication of the process; screening and narrowing the number of applicable articles.
Then, one member of each small group is required to post the completed PRISMA diagram, Table 1 and Table 2 to the Module 4 Discussion Board by the due dates below. This includes a summary of the group PRISMA Flow Diagram and Table 1 with keywords used in searching, databases used for literature search, and how many “hits” you found. It also inludes the Hierarchy Synthesis table (Table 2). Additionaly, five selected research articles (as pdfs) or one article per student for a group should be uploaded into the file of your small group with the authors last name and date along with you name. For example, Butts & Rich_2018_AmyPetrinec
- First, identify the key search terms or keywords you will use and the databases each individual group member will search. Each member should use the same terms in different databases and search certain years (within 5 years); or some other way. You may find the ‘Searching the Literature Example’ template helpful (included in this module). Use the key words from your PICOT question.
- I recommend that all of you decide on and use the same search terms and inclusion/exclusion criteria. For example, the research question presented last week was: In family members of ICU patients, does use of a cognitive behavioral app in comparison with usual care, decrease symptoms of Post Intensive Care Syndrome-Family (PICS-F), during and after the patients’ ICU stay? For this question, I would start the search with family, ICU patients, CBT app, PICS, anxiety, depression, PTSD symptoms. If you are not finding the information, revise the words as a group and then continue.
- Complete your literature search. You can track your search by creating a visual diagram (use this diagram template Download use this diagram template) & Table 1 template Download Table 1 templatefor the search. Create an Initial post of the PRISMA Flow Diagram with the keywords and databases your group used for the literature search, and how many “hits” you found. Keep in mind this is an exercise for tracking and quantifying your search. Often published articles include this type of diagram. Do you think you need to change/add search terms or databases?
- Once you have posted your PRISMA chart to the discussion board, you will need to decide as a group on one article per person to add to the Hierarchy Synthesis table 2*. The articles must be single quantitative research article (do NOT include systematic reviews in your table). Please place a pdf of the article in the file area in your small group. Additional instructions for article selection: