Receive 25 Extra Credit Philosophy Question

Receive 25 Extra Credit Philosophy Question

Please read carefully, everything is mentioned in the question.

Basically, I need to submit a proposal thesis paper by 4/30 11:59 pm based on the PST time zone.

And draft version by May 21 and final thesis paper by May 28 however as it is mentioned to get 25 extra credit points I would appreciate that if you can deliver by May 21.

Please request reasonable bids so I can work with many assignments like this afterward.

Thank you.


Thesis Paper Topics

Choose one of the following topics to write for your thesis paper. Your assignment is to write 2 full pages (maximum of 3 pages), double-spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12, arguing in favor or against the philosopher’s thesis. Your paper must contain three arguments in favor or against the thesis in the body paragraphs. Your paper must have a proper introduction, thesis, and conclusion. With the exception of the texts used in our class, no outside research is necessary. Outside sources are optional and must be properly cited and referenced to avoid plagiarism. This assignment must be your original work and must adhere to the requirements of this assignment. It must not be recycled from a previous class assignment, however, you are allowed to integrate ideas you have learned from other philosophy courses to write your paper. Extra credit (25 points) will be assigned for submitting your paper one week before the official due date of your topic.

1. Plato viewed human nature as being selfish, therefore, the majority is unfit to rule society. Do you agree or disagree with his thesis?

2. Aristotle argued that happiness is objective (we need to fulfill the human function, have the external goods, and pursue the virtues), while the Dalai Lama and Eric Weiner argued that happiness is subjective. If you argue in favor of the subjective side, cite the case studies from the Dalai Lama’s book and form Eric Weiner’s book. Which side do you agree with and why?

3. Kant’s theory is known as the categorial imperative, which consists of two parts. The first formulation is “act in such a way that your action can be made into a universal law.” The second formulation is “do not use people as a means to an end, always treat people as an end in themselves.” It also consists of perfect duties, which are: do not kill innocent people, do not lie, and do not break a promise. Do you agree with Kant’s moral theory?

4. Mill’s moral theory known as utilitarianism, which states that “the right thing to do is to maximize happiness for the greatest number of people.” Do you agree with Mill’s moral theory?

5. Carol Gilligan wrote about male biasness in psychological theories and presented the ethics of care as an alternative to previous moral theories, such as the categorical imperative and utilitarianism, which she deemed as being too strict, black and white, and not always practical. Discuss the ethics of care and state whether you agree or disagree with this moral theory.

6. The God arguments are: cosmological argument, teleological argument, ontological argument, and Pascal’s Wager. Choose and discuss one of these arguments and explain whether it does an adequate job of proving God’s existence.

7. The evil defenses to explain why there is evil and suffering while there is a God who is all-good, allknowing, and all-powerful are: ontological defense, knowledge defense, free-will defense, soulbuilding/ideal humanity building defense, and finite God defense. Choose and discuss one or more of these arguments and discuss whether the argument(s) provide an adequate explanation for the existence of evil in the presence of a God who is all-good, all-knowing, and all-powerful.

8. Hobbes argued that the state of nature is a state of war and that everyone is against everyone else. For this reason, we must do whatever it takes to protect ourselves. The implication of this is a strong, centralized government to keep people under control and out of the state of nature. On the other hand, Rousseau argued that the state of nature is peaceful rather than war-like; people are compassionate beings by nature and are willing to help others in need in the state of nature. Who do you agree with and why?


1st Step – Thesis Paper Proposal (DUE: April 30th by 11:59 pm)

I have to upload a thesis paper proposal. In your proposal, state your thesis, for example, “I agree with Plato’s thesis that human beings are selfish by nature, therefore, democracy is not the ideal political system,” and provide a summary of the main arguments that you will cover in your paper to either support the philosopher’s thesis or negate the philosopher’s thesis. Also list a working bibliography (the books and/or journals that you intend on reading), if any. List each one in proper bibliography form. Outside resources are purely optional.

2nd Step – Thesis Paper Rough Draft Submission (DUE: May 21 by 11:59 pm)

Use this area to submit a rough draft of your term paper if you’d like me to review this, but do so no later than one week prior to the due date of the final draft.

Final Step – Thesis Paper (DUE: May 28 by 11:59 pm)

Upload your thesis paper here. Refer to the thesis paper assignment PDF for the due dates. If you turn in your paper one week prior to your scheduled due date, you will receive 25 extra credit points on this assignment.