Race in the 19th Century

  • We will be studying race in the 20th and 21st centuries this week. We will also being work on the screencasts for the unit, by selecting primary sources from each week of the unit and writing a draft of the screencast that you will record next week.
    Learning Objectives Week 4
    • Gather, interpret, and assess information from a variety of sources and points of view. Evaluate evidence and arguments critically or analytically.
    • Produce well-reasoned written or oral arguments using evidence to support conclusions.
    • Analyze and explain one or more major themes of U.S. history from more than one informed perspective.
    • Evaluate how indigenous populations, slavery, or immigration have shaped the development of the United States.
    Tasks to Complete
    • Read the secondary sources.
    • Select one of the primary sources from each week of the race unit. (3 in total).
    • Submit your draft of your screencast script on race via the assignment link.
    • Post your draft of your screencast script on race on the discussion board.
    • Comment on 2 of your classmates’ drafts on the discussion board.
  • Secondary and Primary Sources

    Attached Files:
    •  American Latino Theme Study – Immigration.pdf (389.029 KB)
    Secondary Sources (Read all).
    Gutiérrez, D. (2011). An historic overview of Latino immigration and the demographic transformation of the United States. National Park Service. Retrieved from https://www.nps.gov/articles/latinothemeimmigration.htm. (Also available as an attachment under "Secondary and Primary Sources.")
    Read the following selections from the American Yawp, read: "Civil rights in an affluent society," "The civil rights movement continues," "Beyond civil rights," "Racial, social, and cultural anxieties," and "African American life in Reagan’s America." (Locke, J. and Write, B, eds. (2017). The American yawp. Retrieved from http://www.americanyawp.com).
    Primary Sources (Select one).
    • American Indian Center. (1969). Seizure of Alcatraz Island. Retrieved from http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/disp_textbook.cfm?smtID=3&psid=721.
    • Bledsoe, J. (1959). Little Rock Rally. [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://www.americanyawp.com/reader/26-the-affluent-society/1959-little-rock-rally/.
    • Chisholm, S. (1972). Presidential campaign announcement. (Video). Retrieved from https://www.c-span.org/video/?325324-2/1972-shirley-chisholm-presidential-campaign-announcement
    • X, M. (1964). The Ballot or the Bullet. [Book excerpt]. Retrieved from https://bcc-cuny.digication.com/ushistoryreader/Malcolm_X_The_Ballot_or_the_Bullet
    • (1965). Selma March. [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://www.americanyawp.com/reader/27-the-sixties/selma-marchers/.
    • United Farm Workers. A United Farm Workers Coloring Book. Retrieved from http://oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/hb5g5009w3/?brand=oac4.
    • Juarez, R. (1969). "The cycle of poverty: Mexican-American migrant farmworkers testify before Congress." History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web. Retrieved from http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/7024
  • Race Screencast Draft of Script

    Next week you will record a screencast in which you analyze 3 primary sources to develop an argument about how an aspect of or idea about race has changed (or not changed) over time in the United States. This week you will write the draft of the script for the screencast. Before beginning the draft script, read the secondary sources and look through the primary sources. Then select one primary source from each week in the race unit. (You can use the ones you used in your earlier essays in the unit or select different ones.) As part of your argument, explain how your analysis of the primary sources adds to or challenges the information and ideas about race in at least two of the secondary sources assigned for the unit. Cite all your sources (primary and secondary) using APA style at the end of the draft script. The final screencast will be 5 minutes long, so your script should be 450-500 words.
    Post your script to the Draft of the Race Screencast Script discussion board AND submit it using the assignment link in the weekly activity folder.
    Read two of the draft scripts posted on the discussion board. In each comment, write one sentence explaining something that learned and another sentence explaining something you would like to know more about or that could be clarified. Be respectful and encouraging.
    You will receive feedback from me on the script you have posted through the assignment link.