
Read the  2 the articles attached and do a 1- 2 page summay.

*How the material in each of the articles connects to 1 or 2 Core Adlerian values.

 Note, you do not need to focus on each value. Look for themes, or focus on one or two values.

*What was surprising/new to you in these (2)  readings?

*What is your 1-2 recommendations for organizations based on the 2 readings?

*In K, S,&C(2013) article identify what levels of analyses were included, and what was the sample size for each. Do not spend time trying to understand statistics. Read sample and measurement sections carefully, but feel free to glance over the analyses and results. 

*In Ostroff et el. (2013) chapter please read carefully the section titled ’mediators, moderators, and boundary conditions. I will refer to it when lecturing the remaining material.

*in the same chapter, consider the difference between culture and climate.