Proper Label References Abraham Lincoln Universi

Proper Label References Abraham Lincoln Universi

All the required information in the attached file.
Assignment/Coursework General Submission Requirements

A.Written work

A signed declaration that the work is your own (apart from otherwise referenced acknowledgements) must be included after the reference page of your assignment

Each page must be numbered.

Where appropriate, a contents page, a list of tables/figures and a list of abbreviations should precede your work.

All referencing must adhere to School/Institutional requirements.

A word count must be stated at the end of your work.

Appendices should be kept to the minimum and be of direct relevance to the content of your work.

All tables and figures must be correctly numbered and labelled.

B.Other types of coursework/assignments

Where coursework involves oral presentations, discussions, poster presentations, etc., specific instructions will be provided by your module leader/team.


Rewrite below part just after the References of your assignment.


I, hereby declare that the uploaded Debate through Turnitin is my own work. I affirm that this has been researched and completed in accordance with the college rules and regulations on plagiarism.

I acknowledge the advice given by the module tutors on proper referencing to avoid plagiarism and the rules on the academic unfair practice.

I acknowledge that I read and understand the plagiarism guide written at the end of this assessment. Any academic misconduct will be handled according to the rules and regulations of the university.

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Version 2

General instructions

Debate must be conducted on or before the due date. The dates of the presentation will be sent to your college email. You need to consult your tutor about the schedule of the presentation. After the presentation, you will sign the attendance sheet as an acknowledgement of the completion of the task.

The only circumstance in which presentation can be conducted late is if a Mitigating Circumstances (MC) form is submitted at the same time. In these circumstances work may be submitted within five (5) working days. Make sure to secure MC form and submit the same to the concerned staff.

Your presentation has a corresponding number of words equivalent. You need to use text, graphics and photos to compensate the equivalent number of words. You need to follow the prescribed structure on your module. Provide the list of sources you used at the last slide of your presentation with proper label ‘References’.

You must ensure that you prepare your work in good faith. Any form of collusion and/or academic unfair practice will be dealt with according to the pertinent rules and regulations of the partner university. Please read carefully the plagiarism guide.

Assessment Details

This Debate comprises 30% of the total assessments marks. This will develop the following skills:

Communication skills as they will orally present information before the class. Students will be somehow learning the rudiments of formal arguments to prove their points in the topic assigned.

Writing skills as to the grammatical structure and construction of their speeches.

In addition, the assessment will test the following learning outcomes:

1. Evidence their skills and knowledge of the English Language to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference;

2. Use vocabulary and grammatical constructions which are reflected at level B2 of the Common European Framework;

3. Actively and meaningfully take part in debates, discussions and conversations; and

4. Orally present information.

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Version 2

Assessment Task

The debate presentation will be individual. Each student should select a topic where he/she is on agree or disagree side. The debate will last for at least 5 minutes where each student is given the chance to orally present his/her views, discuss his/her opinions, and convince the audience about his arguments on the specific topic.

Guidelines for students:

Each student will do the following:

a. Choose a topic from the list duly approved by your module tutor;

b. Research on the assigned topic through online, articles, newspapers and books prior to the debate;

c. Show evidence of their research by citing on-line references, authors or articles about the topic during the discussions in the class;

d. Express in acceptable grammatical construction through oral speech your individual ideas;

e. Video record all the proceedings of the debate for marking purposes.

Suggested Topics:

1. Educational leaders believe that co-education in the classroom is a good idea for better learning. To what extent do you agree or disagree on this statement?

2. Which is better? Online education or the formal education?

3. Is watching television an effective tool in building the minds of the children? Agree or disagree?

4. Should policemen in Oman be allowed to use deadly weapons. Agree or disagree?

5. Is the use of credit card an advantage or a disadvantage? What is your opinion on this?

6. English language is an international language which is very important to learn. What do you think about this statement?

7. Research skills are highly important for college students. To what extent do you agree on this?

8. Omanisation is one of the solutions to give priority to Omanis to reduce unemployment case. To what extent do you agree or disagree on this statement?

9. To what extent do you agree or disagree that curfew is effective to keep teenagers out of trouble?

10. Should newly wed couple stay in their parents’ house or stayin a separate house. What do you think about this statement ?

Specific Instructions for students on the Debate presentation:

1. Choose one topic listed above and present and discuss your views and opinions.

2. Present your views and opinions on the chosen topicwhether you agree or disagree;

3. Discuss and explain the facts about your argument on the chosen topic with citation;

4. Present evidences on the points of your arguments to prove your side;

5. Summarise the standpoint of your arguments and come up with a conclusion;

6. Video record all the proceedings of your argument or an option to present viaMS Teams live for at least five (5) minutes.

7. Save your video recorded presentation with your name and ID number;

8. Email your video record to your module tutor;

9. Upload online, through turnitin, your write up containing your views and opinions;

10. Follow the outline on how to write your arguments given to you by your module tutor.