PO 348 (Spring 2022) Exam 1

Your answer shouldbe no longer than 1,500 words.      

       Use double space, 12 font size

       Use in-text citations for the required coursereadings (ex. (Ku, 123)).

       Outside research is not required for this exam. But if you usematerials outside class discussions and the required readings, provide full citationsand bibliography at the end of your paper.

       Break your paperinto sections (= put sub-headings: e.g. introduction.conclusion).

       Use topic sentences.

       Be focused, succinct, and analytical.

       Provide evidence.

       Proofread and edit.

       Provide word count.



ExamQuestion: More than seven decades have passed since thetwo Koreas were established in 1948. How similarly or differently have theirpolitical and economic systems evolved over the last seven decades? Why havesuch similar or different consequences transpired? Answer these questions consideringboth domestic and international factors of the two nations.

Class Text:
Yangmo Ku, Inyeop Lee, and Jongseok Woo, Politics in North and South Korea: PoliticalDevelopment, Economy, and Foreign Relations, New York: Routledge, 2018.