Please Provide Specific Details Psychology Questi

Please Provide Specific Details Psychology Questi

Students will be expected to incorporate how culture (example: Eastern versus Western society) and context (example: urban, suburban, rural, wealthy, middle class, poor) influence adolescent development in terms of access to education, health care, food, housing, other resources, especially during this Pandemic. In what ways do culture and context help or hinder the adolescent? Please include key concepts from your textbook when discussing adolescent development, and be sure to look for any textbook material on culture and/or context and adolescent development. All information must be APA style (see Blackboard handout for details) when citing references in the body of the paper, and the paper must include a title page and a reference page (all APA style). The Title Page does not count as a page in the paper. The RESEARCH PAPER must be typed, doubled spaced, with one inch margins. Students will be expected to incorporate how culture (example: Eastern versus Western society) and context (example: urban, suburban, rural, wealthy, middle class, poor) influence adolescent development in terms of access to education, health care, food, housing, other resources, especially during this Pandemic. In what ways do culture and context help or hinder the adolescent? Be sure to look for any textbook material on culture and/or context and adolescent development. Students will need to look for textbook information on culture in relation to cognitive development, emotional development, and social relationships for teens. When possible, any book information about socioeconomic status and the impact on teen school performance, health outcomes should be included in the paper. State the concepts, do not copy and paste material. Instead, practice trying to write in your own words (paraphrase). Integrate material from the textbook in paragraph format. Be sure to cite the textbook in the body of the paper after writing about specific information from the textbook (Steinberg, 2020).

Your paper must include the following:

(1) Type your work, and include a title page with your name and the course number

(2) Type the body of the paper

(a) the paper format should be in paragraph form, you may have subheadings for different sections

(b) In what ways do culture and context help or hinder the adolescent? Be sure to look for any textbook material on culture and/or context and adolescent development. Students will need to look for textbook information on culture in relation to cognitive development, emotional development, and social relationships for teens. When possible, any book information about socioeconomic status and the impact on teen school performance, health outcomes should be included in the paper. (25 points)

(c) What was the purpose of the study for each article? If culture was examined, then what culture was examined? Were you able to tell what context was examined (was the sample middle class? Was the sample from an urban area?)? Do the findings relate to findings from the course textbook? Do any of the five articles address access to jobs, health care, food, housing, or other resources? If so, which ones and in what ways? Do any of these five articles address how culture and/or context affect adolescent cognitive development, emotions, or social relationships in adolescence? If so, what were the findings? Please provide specific details related to each study.(35 points)