please check the instruction for question. Thank you

Research the Internet and WCU online library for articles on communicable and noncommunicable diseases. After reading the assigned chapter and reviewing the articles, address the following:

Differentiate between a communicable and noncommunicable disease. Provide an example of each, and discuss the impact, if any, of each disease on one population segment listed below.

Population Segments

  • unborn children
  • pre-teens
  • teenagers
  • women
  • men
  • seniors
  • minorities/ethnic groups

In your replies, include the following:

  • Share past experiences that may relate to your peers’ responses.
  • If you found any of your peers’ tips or ideas useful, share your insights and explain why you might use the ideas or tips.
  • Provide any input that may be useful in your peers’ initial posts.

Cite and reference sources according to APA Style.