Physical Activity Worksheet Nutritional Writte As
The Role of Exercise and Physical
Part 1: Tracking physical activity and nutritional intake are important parts of health and wellness. As an Internet search will reveal, there are a lot of different tools available for tracking your food intake and activity level. Here are a few examples:
- SuperTracker
- MyFitnessPal
- SELFNutritionData
- Cronometer
- Apps for your smartphone/tablet:
- MyFitnessPal
- MyPlate
- LoseIt!
Use one of the tools listed above (or another tool that you’re already familiar with) and, for a 3-day period, track:
- the food and beverages you consumed
- the physical activities in which you engaged
Use the information that you gathered above and complete the two (2) worksheets below:
Part 2: What role does exercise play in your personal health and wellness?
- If you do not exercise:
- state 5 reasons you do not
- state 5 reasons you should
- If you do exercise:
Part 3: Go to a fast food restaurant website that provides nutritional information (many have the information available on their Websites but it may require a bit of looking). You will need to find a restaurant that provides information about the following:
- Total calories
- Fat calories
- Carbohydrate calories
- Sodium
Pick a fast food meal that is of interest to you. The meal needs to include at least 3 items. For an example, a meal is usually considered a sandwich or salad, starch (often French fries) and a drink.
Write a 1 page summary (in APA format) about the main food served at the restaurant and include a paragraph on choosing a nutritious meal there. In your report, for the meal you chose including all 3 items, you will need to include:
- Total calories for the meal (add the calories for all 3 items)
- Total fat calories (add all fat calories for all three items)
- Percentage of fat calories (for example, if the meal is a total of 2400 calories and the fat calorie total is 800 the percentage of fat calories is 33%)
- Total carbohydrate calories (add all three items carb calories)
- Total sodium (in mgs) and total cholesterol (in mgs) for the meal
Please provide a copy of the menu on which your report is based. Some Websites provide a PDF version of their nutritional information which you can download and submit along with your report. Other options include taking a screenshot or using a camera/phone to take a picture of the screen. Whichever method you choose, just be sure that the nutritional information can be clearly read.
The total assignment should be at least 3 pages (1 page per part).
Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below: