Persuasive Essay

  1. Read the Lecture Notes in Unit 5 on persuasive writing. Also, especially read Chapter 10.9 in the online text for ideas on how to construct an approach persuasive writing. Here is the link to that chapter: (Links to an external site.)

While all the information in this chapter can be helpful, what is especially helpful is the information under the heading “Writing a Persuasive Essay.”


2.Choose a topic from the list given below. 


3. Unlike the previous two-unit essays, there is no required outline or pattern that you have to use for organizing this essay. However, you will want to plan your organization so your ideas connect and make sense to the reader. You may use either of the patterns from the previous two units. Also, you may look at the different patterns presented in Chapter 10 for ideas. As a bit of advice, the structure is shown in Chapter 10.9 under the heading “Structure of a Persuasive Essay” is a helpful model to look at.


4. Since this essay is more persuasive instead of argumentative, you do not have to do any formal research, but you should have explanations and support for any positions you offer.


5. The essay will be at least two full pages long but no more than four pages (unless you have your instructor’s permission to go over 4 pages). You will use the MLA formatting guidelines that you used in the previous essays.


6. Include a title for your essay.


7. After writing the essay, be sure to take time to read it several times for revision and editing. It would be helpful to have at least one other person proofread it as well before submitting the assignment.

GUIDANCE: The purpose of this essay is to write a persuasive essay in which you try to convince the reader that he or she should do X or Y or believe in A or B. I will let you decide the issue you want to write about, but please take into account the following criterion as you think about the issue you want to take a position on:

a) The issue should be debatable and should not just have a Yes or No answer.

For example, the following will not work as a topic: The cost of public education in California has increased by 500% since 2000.

The above claim can be tested, so it is either correct or incorrect.

Here’s a topic that could work: Community colleges should be free because of A, B, and C

This is a debatable topic because not everyone will agree that community colleges should be free.

Remember, you have to persuade someone so choose a topic that you care for.

Length:  At least 2 pages. MLA style

You do not need to do any research for this paper, but you will have to persuade the reader by coming up with examples.


 You must choose from the list of topics provided below.  


  1. Should schools teach abstinence-only education?
  2. Why should schools teach financial literacy?
  3. Do all students need to go to college?
  4. Do all students need to learn a foreign language?
  5. Is online or homeschool an effective way to learn?
  6. Are standardized tests predictive of academic success in college? 
  7. Should a college education be free?
  8. Many college campuses invite speakers. These speakers can range in political opinion and some can be controversial.  Should speakers who take positions that offend some students be disinvited? 
  9. Should psychedelics be decriminalized to help those suffering from severe anxiety and depression? 
  10. Should psychedelics be legalized for treating depression?