Nutrition organ Absorption

There are multiple organs in the human digestive system, and each organ has at least one (but sometimes many) functions. Pick any organ, or accessory organ to learn more about. Consider the five functions of the digestive system, and explain how (or if) each function would be affected if that organ had to be removed.

Organs of the digestive system do have to be removed for a variety of reasons. The oral cavity, or the esophagus might have to be removed due to oral cancer. The stomach is sometimes banded, or bypassed to treat morbid obesity. Injury to the abdominal cavity might result in a segment of the small or large intestine to require removal. Once you have explored the consequence of removing a digestive organ, look up how that is treated medically. How does a person’s life change as a result of removing that organ?

Finally, think again about the connection with diet. What about the dietary characteristics you explored before would be different with the removal of the organ you have chosen for this assignment. For instance, if you chose to talk about the connection between cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis in the last assignment, how would the digestion of fiber be impacted by removal of the organ you have chosen for this assignment?

Organ removal is pretty extreme, but there are also lots of dietary impacts from other conditions. For instance, some people have food allergies. Some people are lactose intolerant. NutraSweet (aspartame) has a warning that people with phenylketonuria should not consume it, but lots of diet sodas are sweetened with it. Many people have diabetes, or renal disease, or cardiovascular disease, and each of those diseases come with dietary restrictions. Many other conditions come with dietary restrictions as well, for instance, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, and ulcers. If you would like, you may also include a note at the end about other conditions for which the dietary characteristic you have described is not appropriate for all people.

In brief:

  1. Choose a digestive organ, and explain what digestive functions would be affected if it were removed.
  2. Summarize the medical intervention necessary for a person to survive without that organ.
  3. Determine how the dietary characteristics you explored before would be impacted by removal of this organ.
  4. If you wish, discuss other conditions that might affect the appropriateness of these dietary characteristics.
  5. Don’t forget to cite your source/s of information!