Nursing theory

Submit: Nursing Theory, Role Development, and Innovation Part 1- Paper

Assignment Objectives: Fay Gleen Abdellah

  1. Demonstrate use of the APA format.
  2. Demonstrate library and literature search skills.
  3. Discuss nursing theory as it relates to practice.
  4. Articulate the four phenomena of the metaparadigm in nursing theory.
  5. Articulate one nursing theorist’s ideas in a paper.
  6. Demonstrate the ability to articulate ideas.

The project will be done in two parts. Part I due in Module 4 and Part II due in Module 7.

Part I Directions:

You must use at least three scholarly sources and you may use your textbook as one scholarly source. The paper should be three pages in length (This does not include title page, or reference page). Part 1 of this assignment is worth 15% of the final course grade. Make sure you review the evaluation rubric before you begin.

You will be assigned a Nursing Theorist. If you have not been assigned a theorist, please reach out to the instructor. The paper must reflect a review of relevant, scholarly literature.

The paper must include the following with the bold font as headings:

  1. Title page and Abstract: Use proper APA format.
  2. Background: Background paragraph of information on the selected nursing theory.
  3. Nursing Theory and Practice: A paragraph discussion on the relationship between nursing theory and nursing practice.
  4. Metaparadigm of Nursing Science: A two paragraph discussion of how this nursing theorist views each of the four phenomena (concepts) of the metaparadigm of nursing science: nursing, person, health, and environment.
  5. Summary: Provide a summary for the paper.
  6. References: Including at least three scholarly sources that you may use in the written portion of this project. 

This assignment is a component of this program’s “Outcome Assessment Plan” which evaluates student’s critical thinking.  Students who receive less than 77% will be required to modify until a passing grade has been reached. The student’s original grade will be the only one counted toward the final grade. 

Any papers that have not been received by the due date as outlined will receive a five-point deduction for each late day. Any incidence of plagiarism will result in a score of zero for the assignment and will be reported to the University Honor Council and Nursing Professional Development Committee.