NFL Case Study

Students should read and analyze the National Football League and Brain Injuries case.  Students must prepare a paper analyzing the issues.  The paper SHOULD NOT be a lengthy summary of the case but an analysis of what occurred with a focus on recommendations.  At a minimum, the students should cover the following:

  1. Identify the stakeholders
  2. Identify the problems facing owner of NFL franchises
    1. What ethical theory is the NFL using
    2. Which ethical theory do you feel the NFL should use, and how would that change what they are doing?
  3. Are the risks and rewards fairly distributed (think about the distributive justice options discussed in class)?
    1. What responsibility, if any, do the players have?
  4. What responsibility do employers have for the safety of their employees?
    1. Are these responsibilities different in high risk professions (military, coal mines, NFL, etc)
    2. Do these responsibilities extend beyond the employee’s employment with the company?
  5. If you were an owner of an NFL franchise, based on the problems you identified, what recommendations do you have?


Students should use the case and text as well as other sources (books, journal articles, etc), to write the paper. Students should not rely on websites or encyclopedias (including online encyclopedias like Wikipedia) for references. The paper should be 5 to 6 typed pages (double spaced, 1 inch margins, times roman 12 point font) and have reference page – although this page is not counted in the required length. You may use MLA or APA formatting. Papers will be graded based on the following general guideline: proper grammar, language, and writing style; originality and development of ideas/recommendations; analysis of the content and critical thinking; organization; and depth of research/use of literature.  The paper will account for 20% of your overall grade and is due by the date indicated on the syllabus. Papers should be uploaded to blackboard on the due date (no hard copy papers).

Some additional information:

  • This is a short paper, so there is no need for an abstract or table of contents
  • Should be in APA or MLA
  • Should use peer-reviewed sources
  • Directly quoted material should be held to a minimum.  You should only directly quote when the original author’s exact words are important. Otherwise, summarize their thoughts in your own words and make sure use an in text citation.
  • PLAGIARISM:  Using or copying another’s written work without proper citations will result in an zero for this assignment grade.


The end of each paper must include the following section:

 CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORSHIP:  I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance received is acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared specifically for this course and has not been used for another course either in whole or substantial part.

Name and Date: 

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