Mutually Beneficial Compromise Based Global Warmi

Mutually Beneficial Compromise Based Global Warmi


Part 2 asks you to formalize your
Project 1 assignment by writing a 1,000 – 1,200-word Rogerian Argument.
This essay introduces a controversial issue, identifies two stakeholders
engaged in the issue who hold different stances on the issue,
recognizes common ground between the two different stakeholders,
exercises empathy in understanding the stakeholders’ positions, and
determines a mutually beneficial compromise based on this common ground
that may work towards resolving the issue.

Skills & Strategies

This Part 2 assignment will help you to

  • reread, review, and analyze compiled current research and presented arguments
  • identify and develop organizational strategies that contribute to the effective delivery of information and presentation
  • demonstrate
    responsiveness to new information, ideas, circumstances, and
    perspectives through a process of re-evaluating ideas and/or approaches
  • synthesize disparate or conflicting thoughts when evaluating questions/problems to form cohesive and collaborative solutions
  • construct an introduction and solid thesis that is supported by credible and convincing evidence
  • adjust tone and language to present fair representations of each stakeholder’s narrative
  • write a conclusion that defends rationale for presented solutions

Description (and Step by Step)

Part 2 should be a fully-developed 1,000 – 1,200-word Rogerian Argument. This essay draft should include the following steps:

  1. An
    introduction that clearly identifies both stakeholders, the
    controversial issue, and thesis that presents the point of contention
    between the stakeholders and explains a proposed compromise
  2. Fair
    representation of the major stakeholders’ points and evidence that
    demonstrate your understanding of the value and circumstance of each
    position (empathy)
  3. A discussion of what the two stakeholders have in common (common ground)
  4. A single, feasible, and objective resolution that would benefit both stakeholders and potentially work to resolve the issue
  5. A
    defense of why the resolution is workable for both stakeholders and in
    which contexts the compromise will work and satisfy each stakeholder
  6. A conclusion that highlights the main points and considers forward-thinking ideas for research/action
  7. A Works Cited page

At least five sources are required
for this Intermediate Draft. Your five sources should include one
primary source for each of the two stakeholders (such as information
from their websites), at least one credible/scholarly source for each of
the two stakeholders (such as scholarly articles that support their
arguments or stances), and at least one credible, scholarly source that
supports the validity of your proposed compromise. Your instructor will
outline the preferred format guidelines for your essay.

Helpful Hints

The compromise portion of this Part 2
is often the most difficult. To arrive at a strong compromise or
solution, consider the stated goals and concerns of both stakeholders,
the current or past solutions they have attempted, and the feasibility
of your solution’s implementation.

Strong compromises will be concrete
and consider both stakeholder’s main goals and concerns. In other words,
a single, empathetic solution will be presented that is realistic for
both parties

Project 1 Assignment is attached