Making Beings Whose Every Introduction To Psychol
This assignment has several parts
Part I
1) Has your education taught you much about yourself? In your classes so far, has time been allowed to discuss your values and feelings and matters of personal concern to you? Discuss and give examples.
2) In what ways to you want to change as a learner? Discuss some things that are characteristic about you as a learner.
3) What are the values of self-exploration? Are there any risks attached to honestly looking at yourself?
4) How is self-actualization a lifelong process as opposed to arriving at a finished place in one’s life?
5) Alfred Adler contends that people are not the victims of fate, but are creative, active, choice-making beings whose every action has purpose and meaning. In light of your own personal experiences, to what degree do you agree or disagree with this view of human nature?
Students: View this video on the theory of Dr. Alfred Adler:
Part II
1) Discuss the life-span perspective of personality development.
2) Discuss the concept of emotional intelligence.
3) What is your understanding of the term self-concept? How is it developed? How does one’s self-concept influence one’s behavior?
4) In what way is adolescence a time for searching for identity?
5) What choices did you made as an adolescence that have impacted upon your life today?
Students: View this video regarding emotional intelligence:
Part III
Lesson 3 Chapter 3: Adulthood and Autonomy
1. Define and explain what achieving personal autonomy means to you.
2. To what degree do you think you’ve become psychologically independent? Discuss some ways in which you haven’t become your own person, and also some steps you’ve taken toward independence.
3. What is transactional analysis? Who developed this theory?
4. Drawing upon transactional analysis, apply some the concepts to yourself.
5. List some the common injunctions described in the text, along with possible decisions that could be made in response to them.
6. What is rational emotive behavior therapy, and who developed it?
7. How are irrational beliefs related to our behavior? How can people learn to dispute irrational beliefs?
8. What is the core struggle during early adulthood, according to Erikson?
9. When people enter their twenties, what are some of their main concerns? How does this apply to your own life?
10. According to Erikson, what is the core struggle during middle adulthood?
11. What are a few of the events that might contribute to the midlife crisis?
12. According to Erikson, what is the core struggle of later life?
Part IV
Chapter 4 PSYC 2101 Your Body and Wellness
Rest: Are you currently getting adequate sleep? If you are not, what gets in your way? How is this affecting your ability to show up and be psychologically present in your class? How is it affecting your ability to study?
Exercise: Do you exercise regularly? In what ways is this helpful to you as a student? What benefits do you see in exercise? If you do not exercise, what are the effects on you?
How is exercise or the lack of exercise affecting areas of your life? What kind of exercise might you want to incorporate into your lifestyle?
Diet: Do you generally eat well? How do you think your diet contributes to the way you feel? How do your nutritional habits help or hinder you in being the kind of student you would like to be?
Spirituality: What does spirituality mean to you? What contributes to a meaningful life for you? Are you taking care of this dimension of your life? How does this affect you as a student? What do you want to do about finding meaning and purpose in your life that you are currently not doing? Are there any resources on campus or in your community that would address your spiritual needs?