Literature Review Example 1 The Literature Review
It is a literature review of “Local residences’ awareness of environment conservation and sustainable tourism in terms of tourism development: A study of environmental protected area in Gui Zhou, China”
This assignment will require you to conduct, organize, and write a comprehensive
review of existing research literature around the topic, purpose statement, and
research questions you have chosen. This task will involve extensive reading of
scholarly and industry publications, comparing the findings, assessing the
hypotheses and insights, defining constructs and terminology, comparing various
research methods, and identifying gaps in studies. It should focus primarily on the
findings of published research.
The literature review should include information about the following areas:
1. Major studies–What are the major writers in the areas of your topic?
What do they have to say about the results of previous work? Which ones provide a general background and which ones are focused more specifically on the aspects of the topic that interest you?
2. Patterns and gaps – What common threads do you find? Where do the
findings of various studies agree with and contradict each other? What
are the gaps in the literature? What is missing, either from content,
process, method, or findings?
3. Parallel research–What other research has been done in areas that
might relate to the topic you want to investigate? How does this research
contribute to ways you think about your research and related
developments in the industry?
4. Sampling – What populations have been sampled? What generalizations
been drawn that make sense? What other populations should have been
5. Methods–What are the common research method shave been used in
the areas you are examining? What do the studies suggest for your
6. Findings–What have been the major results, the key insights, or the
conclusions of research? What level(s) of generalization can you make
from these results? What are the limits of these findings?
7. Annotated Bibliography – What sources have you consulted? Which ones
are most valuable? Which ones provide limited insights and which ones
contribute a great deal to your analysis of trends?
The literature review should begin with an introductory section that describes your
purpose statement, its significance, and the structure of the review. Next, the
literature review should contain clear sections and transitions between sections.
Lastly, there should be a conclusion that summarizes the key insights. The full
literature review of approximately eight (8) to twelve (12) pages in length, double-
spaced, with no spelling or grammatical errors and adhering to MLA style of citations
and bibliographical references should be accompanied by an annotated bibliography
of all the works cited.
attention: the annotated bibliography includes the citation of the academic journal, summary of the academic journal and the your comments about it. (there are examples in literature review example 1)
attention: all the resource has to be scholar article, you can use google scholar or other data bases that are available for you
attention: you don’t necessarily need to search the resource that relate to Gui Zhou, China. Focus on research the background of the general topic
attention: I already chose the topic of the research and some research questions that might be helpful to you
The research purpose: the aim of this research is to investigate local residences’ awareness of environment conservation and sustainable tourism in terms of tourism development in natural area.
Basic research questions: 1. Do locals think the mass of tourism development around their village affects their normal life?
2. Do they find the environment they are living are polluted by tourism development?
3. Does the economic benefits they received from tourism development make them overlook the pollution caused by tourism development and tourists’ uneducated behavior?
4. Why it is important for locals to understand how to regulate tourists behavior and control visitor flow rate in attempt to achieve sustainable tourism
5. Why it is important for locals to control their own behavior when they try to offer the best experience for tourists, such as providing wildlife products.
(These are some research question I can think of, which can help you generate the angle and aspect of this research. You can also develop more around this topic)
the attachments are some examples of literature review and some scholar articles I found related to the topic. Make sure you will search more to support the research
the example 1 contains examples of annotated bibliography