Leadership Plan

  1. Write your Leadership Development Plan. Your plan should be a minimum of 8 pages in length (not including references or appendix).
    • Draw upon the Leadership Development Plan Worksheet and peer feedback from Modules 4 and 5.
    • Use the third person in your writing. In some sections of your Leadership Development Plan, it is expected that you will need to make a statement using the first person. Generally, this would be at the beginning or end of each assignment section to introduce your findings and individual thoughts. However, the majority of the Leadership Development Plan should be written in an objective tone that limits the use of the first-person or "I". The third person should be used whenever possible as you discuss how your findings link to the questions or statements on specific leadership theories. Here you will draw upon the class material, readings, and scholarly articles for application in order to link and support your points with appropriate references, objective analysis, and critical thinking. Please review the two examples provided in this link for a sample writing reference. Note: You will use examples from your readings on leadership theory in the paper and as references.
  2. Apply the following framework as the format and components of your full Leadership Development Plan. Use the headings of the framework as headings in your paper:
    • Executive Summary (to be on one page by itself)
      • Provide a one-page maximum executive summary that highlights the key information and outcomes of your Leadership Development Plan. Compose this as though it was being given to an executive who wishes to read a substantive summary that clearly outlines your plan and its direction.
    • Present Leadership Style – Where Are You Today?
      • Existing Style Justification and Analysis
        • Use the data from your MLQ results, course leadership style readings, and peer feedback to support the justification of your current style.
        • Identify specific areas of strengths and weaknesses.
        • Be sure to include a copy of your completed MLQ table as Appendix A in your paper.
    • Preferred Leadership Style/Goals – Where Do You Want To Be?
      • Identify your preferred leadership style. This will be based on your MLQ findings, reviews and peer feedback. Note: Your style may have results in several areas below based on questionnaire feedback. Provide a substantive and objective analysis of the components of this style.
        • Transformational
        • Transactional (Note the three levels of transactional leadership as applicable)
        • Laissez-faire
    • Steps to Achieve Goals – How Do You Get There?
      • Future Description: Use the exercise you completed in Module 4 on imagining your desired or preferred leadership position five to seven years from today.
      • Produce a description of what you will be doing and how this compliments your leadership vision. (Do not let academic or career barriers interfere with your vision of a future position. Let your imagination and vision drive this.)
      • State what you will be doing and with whom you will be working (organization and individuals).
      • Justify how this fits into your leadership style and goals by using course material to support the analysis.
      • Produce an Action Plan for reaching your desired future career goal.
      • Include in this Action Plan specific steps envisioned as necessary to reach the goal. Apply course material and references.
      • In the plan, state what you will be doing in the years 1 through 7. (i.e., steps)
      • State any leadership weaknesses needed to address. Discuss methods to accomplish the addressing of the weaknesses.
      • In the Action Plan, specifically describe what potential leadership-related obstacles are envisioned as barriers to the plan completion. How will these be overcome?
      • State how plan progress will be measured. Be specific – month to month, year to year, over the five- to seven-year period.
    • Conclusions
      • Write a brief, one-page conclusion reflecting the perceived value and outcomes from this plan. Include the following items:
      • What you learned about yourself.
      • What perceived future value this plan has for your career.
      • What concepts from the course you found to be particularly valuable.
    • References
      • Include a minimum of 8 scholarly references and peer-reviewed journals (e.g., scholarly journals, course texts, and journals from the library databases). Note: websites are not considered scholarly references.
    • Appendices
      • Appendix A
        • A copy of your completed MLQ table
      • Appendix B
        • Include your completed Leadership Development Plan worksheet with feedback from your class peer from module 5.
        • At the end of the feedback from your peer, describe in about a page what you found helpful in your peer’s feedback to you and how you incorporated it into your work. If you chose not to incorporate some or all of the feedback into your work, say so and defend your decisions.
  3. Submit the completed first draft of your assignment. Your work will automatically be checked by Turnitin.
  4. Access your Turnitin report by reviewing your Submission Details for this assignment. Revise your work as needed based on the feedback.
  5. Re-submit the final version of your work.
    • Face-to-face students: Submit it before your scheduled presentation.
    • Online students: Submit it by Saturday.