Jan Feb Mar Apr Bsbsus501Ndevelop Workplace Polic

Jan Feb Mar Apr Bsbsus501Ndevelop Workplace Polic

BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Assessment Task 1 – Written Response & Case Study

Task 1

a) List and describe three legislative requirements and codes of practice (or industry


b) Identify a relevant industry association for your organization. Access their website and

provide the overview of two environmental initiatives that have been developed for your


c) Identify the source that you will need to contact to obtain more information; for

example, a government department or an environmental expert. List contact details and

the type of information they can provide that will help you develop your policy.

d) Why is the Environment Protection and Biodiversity conservation Act1999 (Cth) so


e) Complete the following. Note, you should reproduce the table to allow for complete


Stakeholder Their role in the development

of your organizations

sustainability policy

Consultation methods you

would use



Unions and industry




f) For both of the following describe how you would promote initiatives associated with

workplace sustainability policy:

 Employees

 Community

g) What information might a SWOT analysis give you to help you develop an effective

sustainability policy for the organization?

h) Describe your role in helping the organization show commitment to the environment and


i) Your organization is about to introduce a new policy to reduce power usage. What are

some promotional activities you could do to raise awareness.

Task 2: Case study

Read the case study, and then answer the questions that follow.

Case study

A mining organization with its head office in Perth created an office compliance policy that

outlined key areas where sustainable practices would be followed. The policy resulted in a

consolidation of 2,000 employees from seven different offices around the state in to one venue

in the Perth CBD the consolidation was seen as a centre feature to the reduction of energy usage

and waste output. The policy had an interesting side effect in that it motivated staff and manager

to seek out new ways to reduce their personal contribution to waste and energy use over and

above the corporate standards outlined in the policy.

The policy and associate standards that were created to reduce their environmental impact

stipulated that only local materials were to be used where possible; recyclable or renewable

materials to be used where possible; and a waste reduction program to be implemented.

Environmental initiatives incorporated at the new office complex included:

 A 150-megalitre water tank installed that computers rain water which is used to flush the


 Smart lighting system installed; these used electronically monitored and controlled light

leaves and energy efficient light; there are no light switches in the office area.

 All workstation have been converted to low-power LCD and LED monitor system and

wired keyboards / mice to reduce battery waste.

 Desk bins have been removed to reduce the plastic waste created by bin liners.

 Rebates are available for worker in the office using public transports and car pools.

1. What issues would have been considered in defining the scope of the policy?

2. What source of information would have been accessed in planning the policy?

3. What legislation, codes of practice and standards have been considered?

4. List the stakeholder who would have been considered in the developing the policy/

5. Does the policy reflect the organizations commitment to sustainability and the

environmental? If so, why? If not, why?

Task 3: Communicating the workplace sustainability policy

1. Why is it crucial to let stakeholders know about your sustainability policy? Describe the

conscribe the consequences if this is not done.

2. List the skills a manager needs to have to communicate effectively. Give example then list

at least five tips for developing the skill.

3. Consider your organization and the introduction of a sustainability policy. Outline.

a) The key internal stakeholders

b) The key external stakeholder

c) What you would include in a presentation to the staff in your area in relating to the

policy, the procedures and activities to be carried out; the impact staff and the

responsibilities that they will have to take on board in terms of quality assurance;

ensure you incorporate any OHS issues in your response.

4. Outline the presentation to your supervisor or some stakeholders and obtain comments

from them attach the comments to your outline and indicate whether you would adjust

the outline in response to the comments.

Task 4: Case study

Read the case study, and then answer the questions that follow.

Case study

The Perth-base mining company in the case study from chapter 1 received high praise from the

state government, customer and local supplier Groups. In addition to the major initiatives of

installing water tank and a new lighting system, and converting the workstation to low-power

LCD and LED monitor system, management introduce policies and procedures that all staff have

to follow those include:

 A wise waste program in which staff have to separate food scraps, tins, plastic, bottles ,

paper and cardboards packing into appropriate bins.

 A positive paper program in which staff have to use both sides of a sheet of paper ;make

note book out of used paper ; and place used paper in recycling bins.

 A timely travel program that encourages people to use teleconferencing or

videoconferencing instead of traveling to client; reduce to number of trips taken for

external meeting; use car pools or public transports.

 An active awareness program to stimulate enthusiasm, including annual tree planting

program; incentive for idea to improve the organizations environmental footprint; and

green planning days.

1. Describe the strategies you would use to promote and communicate to new policy and

procedures to the 2,000 employees who are now located to one building.

2. What strategies would you recommend for ongoing awareness of the initiatives that

have been put in place?

3. Suggest four relevant key performance indicators that maybe put in place for employee.

4. Select one of the initiatives from the bulleted list and complete a table similar to the


Green initiative:

Outcome expected

Activities to be undertaken


Task 5: Implementing the workplace sustainability policy

a) Explain how you would manage the development of a procedure to implement a workplace

sustainability initiative; for example, green purchasing or recycling.

b) Prepare a brief procedure for environmental initiative.

c) List and describe three mechanisms for communicating the procedures. Explain how you will

ensure that the procedure can be understood by everyone.

d) Describe some strategies you would use to implement a continuous improvement cycle for

environmental sustainability.

e) Explain how the continuous improvement cycle can assist in improving resource efficiency.

f) List and describe three examples of internal recording system or tools and explain how they

are used to measure environmental progress.

g) Explain the link between reporting and recording systems and quality assurance.

Task 6: Case Study

Read the case study, and then answer the questions that follow.

Case Study

An organization that cares for over 10,000 sick and elderly people around Australia included

several initiatives in its recently drafted sustainability policy. They identified over 70 areas where

a more environmentally friendly approach could be implemented. Three of these are:

Water usage procedure

 Water for toilet and washing machine use will be attached to renewable source in every

facility by the end of the next year: renewable source include dam water and /or

rainwater tanks.

 Dishwasher and washing machines purchased will be rated for efficiency water use.

Waste reduction procedure

 Waste going to landfill will be reduction by establishing system to dispose of recyclable

and biodegradable waste.

 Staff attitudes about waste reduction will improve by educating them about the benefits.

 The amount of waste currently being dispose of will be demonstrated by collecting the

material dispose of over one day and categorizing the type of waste the organization or

department produces. This process can be repeated at two-monthly intervals to identify


Green purchasing procedure

 Suppliers used must be compliant with environmental guidelines.

 Recycled paper must be purchased and used for the majority of tasks.

 Recyclable toner cartridges must be purchase.

 The organization fleet of cars will be LPG vehicle.

 Products purchased should be from an environmentally sustainable source where


 Packaging should be kept to a minimum.

 Equipment purchase from now on must have the highest energy efficiency rating.

a) Develop and communicate implementation procedures to let the appropriate people

know about the procedures they have to follow.

b) Describe some strategies you would use to monitor the policies and procedure for

tracking and recording performance in these areas and ensure the organization regularly

improves resource efficiency.

c) Explain how you would assign responsibility for tracking improvement in sustainability

approaches. Give some example of tracking tools and software system you might use.

Task 7: Reviewing policy implementation

a) Explain the importance of providing stakeholders with result /outcome following

the implementation of environmental policies and the procedures. Discuss some

consequence for not doing this.

b) Why it is crucial to investigate the success or otherwise sustainability policy?

c) Provide the description of the steps you would take in evaluating to performance

of a policy implementation.

d) Describe the report you have prepared for senior management to document

outcome in relating to a workplace sustainability policy initiative. Identify the

target audience and provide a brief description of the structure and the nature of

the report.

e) Prepare a presentation you may give to staff to explain the outcomes of policy

initiative. Make note on the tolls you will use to visually show progress, then how

this presentation will boost peoples confident.

f) Ongoing monitoring of the implementation of a policy and associated procedure

is important. Why, and what is the relevance as such the monitoring risk


g) What role do key performance indicator play in monitoring performance and how

can the assist in supporting continuous improving?

h) Outline the option you would take when it has been determined that a policy

needs major modification.

i) In relation to workplace sustainability policy it has been agreed the changes to

procedures need to be made to improve the overall performance of the policy.

Explain your approach.

j) On analyzing record and report in relating to outcome on a sustainability policy,

the growth rate towards the targets of reduction in waste has slowed to such as

extent that the targets for the end of the two-year period will be not reached. The

targeted reduction initially was as follow:

Target date Reduction amount

June 2010 8%

December 2010 16%

June 2011 24%

December 2011 32%

For 2010 figure are as follow:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Now Dec

4% 7% 9% 10% 13% 15% 16% 16% 17% 18% 18% 19%

Graphing these figures and the expanding them to December 2010 suggests that at best the

reduction in waste will be 24to 25per cent – well short of the target of 32 per cent.

Describe the step you would take to address this situation.

Task 8: Case Study

Read the case Study, and then answer the questions that follow.

Case Study

Karen is in charge of introducing the new paper recycling policy for the debt recover team.

Before introducing the policies she inquires as to whether her organization keeps records on

paper use. Karan finds that the organization has records on how much paper was purchased in

previous years, the cost and the brand. Although paper use per person by dividing annual paper

purchased by the total number of staff.

 Annual paper consumption (ream): 5,000

 Number of staff :625

 Paper used per persons (ream):8

Karan uses 8 ream per person as her benchmark. In order to assess the success of the recycling

policy, Karen decides she needs to keep records on the amount of paper used for her team of 14

people. Based on the organization s benchmark of 8 reams per persons her team is expected to

use 112 reams of paper in a year.

Karen is good at motivating and her team is enthusiastic. They use double sided copying

whenever possible and re-use single-sided paper to print draft copies. The team also increases its

use of email and sends less paper memos and internal reports.

At the end of six months Karen is pleased to announce that the team had only used 28 reams of

paper, which is the half the projected usage.

Karen’s organization also decides to keep detailed records on paper purchasing and use. Using

Karen’s model they adopt a team –based approach. In future the organization will know exactly

where its paper use has occurred and may be able to design specific strategies for particular


1. Describe the process Karen followed to document paper usage.

2. How might you provide feedback to the staff about the outcomes of the new paper

recycling policy?

3. Develop the new procedure that will improve records on paper purchasing and use.