Intruduction to cybersecurity

1.     Researchsecure instant messaging software. Chooseone secure IM software program and write a one-page paper aboutthe security features of theprogram.





Watch the video Illicit DataInterception and Access – Information Security Lesson #5 of 12. Create five (5)test questions (3 multiple choice, 2 true/false, 1 fill-in-the-blank withanswers). Identify the approximate time within the video where the question/answer is covered.


5.     Casestudy: Complete Case Study 6-1:Microsoft Windows 10. Write a paper fully explaining your analysis/assessment/thoughtson the case.


Case Project 6-1: Microsoft Windows10 Privacy With the introduction of Microsoft Windows 10, Microsoft by defaultgathers information about user preferences. For example, Windows 10 assigns anadvertising ID to users and then uses it to deliver customized ads andinformation. This has caused alarm among some users regarding intrusion intotheir privacy. Using the Internet, research the information gathered throughWindows 10. What are the advantages of this data collection? What are thedisadvantages? Is this any different from how other operating systems andwebsites gather information? Should Microsoft be more upfront about thecollection of this data? Is there a way to turn the data collection off? If so,how is it done? Should it be easier to turn it off for users who do not wanttheir data collected? Write a one-page paper on your research and opinions