International Marketing

Find a current business article (within the past 2 months) from one of the Business Publications listed below.  Provide a summary of the article.  

How does this article relate to information from the chapter?  Provide specifics with chapter concepts and verbiage included. 

Each submission should be approximately 1 page long, with 1-inch margins throughout.  Include the link to the article you’re referencing.   Choose from one of the publications below, each of which is available through the JSU library database.  You may also follow any of these publications through social media and use relevant articles shared there. 

Business publications:  Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Black Enterprise, Bloomberg Business Week, The Economist, Fast Company, Money, Entrepreneur, Inc.  You may also use any national newspaper or large regional newspaper (eg. USA Today, New York Times).

Please read or skim through the chapter document and write an essay based on the chapter concepts