
Before You Begin

Please view our  page. This will help guide you on paper format, tone, and proper academic research (ie. how to avoid failing due to plagiarism).

General Standards for Papers

Papers should be in a standard 12-point font (e.g. Times New Roman or Cambria), with 1” x 1.25” margins, and double–spaced. Pages must be numbered and labeled according to MLA conventions. The header (top left-hand side of the first page) should include your name, the date, the course, and the name of your instructor.

I will be taking grammar, spelling, and structure into account—good ideas cannot be communicated with poor form. If the grammar or structure in a paper is severely flawed in such a way that your thesis and arguments cannot be conveyed, or the word count is below the minimum standard, I reserve the right to fail the paper. I encourage students who find essay writing challenging to first submit their work to TJC Tutoring Services (903-510-2577). Their student tutors usually get comments back to you within 24 weekday hours.


Papers should thoroughly address one of the options below in a double-spaced 1-1.5 page essay (minimum 250 words in the body text). Papers of insufficient length will receive a penalty up to a possible grade of zero. Submit your completed paper on ONE of the following options here by attaching a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file that follows the standards for papers listed at the link below.

ROME – Essay 4 Options

Option 1 (Art History) The Pantheon: what is the history and cultural significance of the Pantheon building in Rome?

Option 2 (Literature) The Aeneid: describe the importance and central themes of the Roman epic poem, the Aeneid.

Option 3 (Philosophy) The Stoics: what are the basic tenets of the Greco-Roman philosophy known as Stoicism?

Outside research is not required for our seven short essays, but if you use sources (including the textbook) be sure to cite them at each sentence — both for direct quotes and when used indirectly. Failure to do so will result in a zero for plagiarism and a possible "F" for the course.