
  1. In the Enzyme and pH activity, you mixed catalase with hydrogen peroxide. Which pH caused the greatest reaction? The least reaction? Hypothesize as to why that occurred.

  2. In the Enzyme and Temperature activity, you recorded activity at different temperatures. Which temperature caused the greatest reaction? The least reaction? Hypothesize as to why that occurred.

  3. What is activation energy?

  4. Digestion is the chemical and mechanical breakdown of complex structures into simpler ones (breaking down a polysaccharide into a monosaccharide, like glucose, for example). What does water have to do with it?

  5. Provide an analogy for the structure and function of enzymes. If you do not know the definition of an analogy, please look it up before completing this question.,

  6. What are competitive and non-competitive inhibitors and how do they affect enzyme activity? Give an example of each in the human body.

  7. What is a Benedict test? How is it performed and what is it used for?

  8. Why does out stomach produce hydrochloric acid (HCl)? What does it affect and how does that, in turn, affect digestion?

  9. What is the purpose of the tight junctions between the epithelial cells in the stomach? Why would they be beneficial?

  10. Why do living things have pH buffer systems in place?

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